Sonny Borrelli


MAGA Republican extremist and serial homophobe member of the Arizona Senate, representing the 30th district. He is the Senate Majority Leader. Borrelli formerly served in the Arizona House of Representatives as a representative of District 5, from January 14, 2013, to January 9, 2017. His name is on the 2024 ballot for Mohave County Board of Supervisors, District 3.
Trump Wades Into Local Politics To Endorse Contraception-Mocking Accused Wife Beater
"Donald Trump is making clear what type of candidates he prefers by endorsing an accused wife beater who recently made offensive comments about contraception for an Arizona county-level race. The former president extended his endorsement Friday morning to state Sen. Sonny Borrelli, who is running for the Mohave County board of supervisors, one day after he implored Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell to investigate unsubstantiated claims of election fraud in the 2020 and 2022 elections."
Mar. 22, 2024
AZ Republicans Echo Kari Lake In Claiming Election Fraud Without Sharing Evidence
"At a Tuesday morning news conference, Sens. Sonny Borrelli and Wendy Rogers declined to name the source of their information. Their claims were quickly disputed by county election officials, who said it was "another example of people not understanding the election system and the data they are reviewing." Despite the senators' refusal to identify the source of their information, the passages Rogers cited at a morning news conference exactly matched a petition Kari Lake and Mark Finchem filed last week with the U.S. Supreme Court as they continued to argue that vote-counting machines are insecure. "While this breach has the game-changing magnitude of the Allies' deciphering Germany's ENIGMA machine in World War II, it is far worse," Rogers, R-Flagstaff, said. The breach "leaves the decryption keys bare, in plain sight.""
Mar. 20, 2024
Aspirin Between The Knees As Birth Control? Is This GOP Leader Dumb Or Merely Insulting?
"Leave it to none other than Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli to mansplain our options. “Like I said, Bayer Company invented aspirin,” he told Arizona Mirror’s Gloria Rebecca Gomez. “Put it between your knees.” Borrelli didn’t indicate how that aspirin between the knees would help women with polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, premenstrual issues or even pregnancy."
Mar. 8, 2024
6 Republican Lawmakers Push Legislation To Ensure Trump Can Stay On Arizona’s Ballot
"Six Republican lawmakers are pushing legislation to ensure former President Donald Trump can stay on Arizona’s ballot, regardless of claims that he violated the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In other states, the case has been made that the 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause disqualifies Trump from running for president or holding public office. Arizona’s Democratic Secretary of State Adrian Fontes says current state law doesn’t allow him to unilaterally remove Trump from the ballot, but that a decision from the court could potentially have that outcome."
Jan. 23, 2024
Election Threat Index
Jan. 5, 2024
Alleged Racial Remarks By Arizona Lawmaker Could Affect Voting Rights Case
"Republican legislative leaders want a federal judge to unhear — or at least ignore — the testimony of a former Democratic lawmaker about racially motivated comments he said were made by current Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli." [ . . . ] "Borrelli said dead people and "illegals'' were being registered to vote, Quezada said. Quezada quoted Borelli as saying to him, "'If your people weren't doing that, we wouldn't have to bring these bills'.""
Dec. 11, 2023
Fanatical Republican Extremist Of The Day: Sonny Borrelli
"he’s been able to use his new place in the state government to sponsor legislation to redefine “rioting” as a form of racketeering (?) vote for legislation to try and eliminate all background checks on firearm purchases (again, you can’t nullify federal law, Sonny) and vote for a bill to try and force physicians performing an abortion to try and revive the fetus if it is viable after the abortion (which, fetuses aren’t viable at 24 weeks, so this one is just a head-scratcher)."
Nov. 29, 2023

Citing ‘Plenary Powers,’ GOP Leader Claims A Non-Binding Resolution Bans Arizona Election Machines

May 22, 2023

"Claiming that a non-binding resolution overrides state law, an Arizona Republican state senator on Monday declared that Arizona counties are barred from using machines to count ballots — an assertion that was quickly shot down by elections officials, the state’s attorney general and county leaders.
Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli penned a letter to all 15 Arizona counties on Monday, telling them that they were barred from using any machines to administer future elections. He claimed that the legislature’s recent approval of Senate Concurrent Resolution 1037 was binding under a radical interpretation of a constitutional provision that would effectively allow state legislatures to do whatever they want with elections."

[ . . .]

"Borrelli’s letter isn’t backed by his fellow GOP leaders in the state Senate. Kim Quintero, a spokeswoman for Senate Republicans, said he sent the letter “independent” of Senate President Warren Petersen and others in the caucus."

The anti-Drag Storey Time Bill. This bill would apply only to libraries and other government facilities.

This bill, had it become law, would be the same as laws covering a cabaret but with the words "drag show" instead of "cabaret". This is simply a sneaky attempt to outlaw drag shows.

Arizona Senate Panel Ignores Own Attorney, OKs Bills Attacking Trans Students And Drag Queens

Elias Weiss / Phoenix New Times

Mar. 1, 2023

"Relentless Republicans advanced three anti-LGBTQ bills to the full Arizona Senate on Monday despite warnings that the bills might be unconstitutional.
Senate Rules Attorney Chris Kleminich warned the Senate Rules Committee that SB 1001, which targets transgender children in schools, and SB 1026 and SB 1698, two weapons in the GOP’s war on drag queens, weren’t likely to be upheld in a court of law."

[ . . . ]

"Despite Kleminich’s admonition, Republicans advanced the bill to the full Senate with a 4-3 vote. Republican Senators Warren PetersenSonny BorrelliSine Kerr, and T.J. Shope voted to advance the bill. Democratic Senators Lela Alston, Catherine Miranda, and Raquel Terán voted against it."

GOP Arizona Legislators, Including Leaders Of The House And Senate, Subpoenaed To Testify In Special Counsel Probe Of Trump
At least three Arizona Republican state legislators have been subpoenaed by the U.S. Justice Department’s special counsel, Jack Smith, as part of the criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump and his efforts to reverse his 2020 election loss. The federal grand jury subpoenas were issued to Senate President Warren Petersen, Sen. Sonny Borrelli and House Speaker Ben Toma. And at least one former state senator, Michelle Ugenti-Rita, who led the Senate’s Election Committee in 2021, received a subpoena. All four have been ordered to produce records and travel to Washington, D.C., to testify.
Feb. 17, 2023
Fanatical Republican Extremist Of The Day: Sonny Borrelli- 2022 Update
On this date in both 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, as well as 2021, “Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day” profiled Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli, who as a member of the Arizona House of Representatives from 2013-2017, established quite clearly that he does not get along with any Republicans unless they are as rabidly conservative as he is.
Nov. 29, 2022

These Arizona Candidates Still Say Donald Trump Won In 2020, Or They're Not Sure What Happened

Oct. 27, 2022

"Elected officials and candidates for office in 2022 continue to challenge and question the results of the 2020 presidential election in Arizona.
The results have been examined and re-examined, challenged in court and in a monthslong ballot review. No evidence has been found of widespread fraud or error in the results.
Yet candidates deny the outcome. Others don't quite go as far. But they raise questions about potential irregularities they say could have influenced the vote and should be examined.
The Arizona Republic is listing candidates by category by the race that they are entered in. This list is not complete and will be updated throughout the 2022 election season.

 Election deniers

These candidates in Arizona races deny that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, either in Arizona or nationwide."
US Senate

US House of Representatives


Secretary of State

Attorney General


Arizona Corporation Commission

State Senate

State House of Representatives

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

 Election questioners
These candidates in Arizona continue to raise issues about the 2020 election process but do not deny or affirm that Joe Biden won.
US House of Representatives

Arizona Corporation Commission

State Senate

State House of Representatives

 No Clear Answer
These candidates have failed to answer or not provided a clear answer on whether Joe Biden won the election.

State House of Representatives

Shame On Every Republican Who Voted To Sabotage Arizona's Schools
"It’s not surprising that our leaders finally broke down and agreed to allow the public schools to spend money that’s already sitting in their bank accounts – money the Legislature appropriated last June. What is stunning is that 20 Republicans – 14 in the House and six in the Senate – actually voted to stiff the schools and to heck with the impact on the one million Arizona children who attend them."
Feb. 22, 2022

Trump-Supporting Arizona Politicians Push Election Lies At Florence Rally

Jan. 16, 2022

"Like-minded Trump supporters in the Legislature included speakers at Saturday's rally such as Rogers, Sen. Kelly Townsend, R-Mesa, Rep. Mark Finchem, R-Oro Valley, Sen. Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu City, and former representative Anthony Kern, who's running for the state Senate."
[ . . . ]
"Borrelli pushed back on the fact that the belief in widespread election fraud that stole the presidency from Trump in 2020 was a “conspiracy theory.” He said there was indeed a conspiracy, but he claims "it’s not a theory.” He said the problem was “obstructionists” who oversee elections at the Arizona Secretary of State’s Office and in Maricopa County. Borrelli said that many of his peers in the Arizona House and Senate were behind him and other election deniers and that they were going to “tighten up the loopholes that these commie (expletive) have exploited.” The crowd cheered as Borrelli claimed that the “shamestream media” were hiding facts like “ghost voters” he said were found to have voted in Pima County in 2020. Pima County election officials deny there were any widespread problems with the election."
Pfizer Gave Money To Arizona Legislators Speaking At Anti-Vaxxer QAnon Conference
"Pfizer likely may not have its executives at the QAnon conference in Las Vegas on Oct. 22-25, but three Arizona legislators it gave money to will be there as “special guests” and speakers. The three Republican Arizona legislators are Rep. Mark Finchem, Rep. Leo Biasiucci and Sen. Sonny Borrelli. In the 2018 and 2020 election cycles, the drug maker gave Finchem a total of $900 and Biasiucci a total of $800. Pfizer gave Borelli a combined $1,000 between 2014 and 2018. QAnon followers have become one of the leading national sources of conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer and others. Based on the belief that there is a worldwide Satan-worshipping pedophile network controlling the government and media, QAnon has increasingly become enmeshed with claims that Covid-19 is a hoax and that the injection’s purpose it to insert a tracking chip in peoples’ arms" [...] "Finchem, who is running for Arizona Secretary of State and has been endorsed by former President Trump, has fully embraced Trump’s big lie that the 2020 election was stolen and was outside the Capitol on Jan. 6 while it was being stormed by pro-Trump insurrectionists."
Sep. 29, 2021
New Mike Flynn QAnon Gathering Raises Alarms -- And Shows How They've Penetrated The GOP
"attendees will include several current and former GOP lawmakers, including Arizona state Sen. Sonny Borrelli, Arizona state Rep. Leo Biasiucci"
Aug. 24, 2021
GOP Legislators Spread Debunked Claims At Lindell’s ‘Cyber Symposium’
"one of the cybersecurity experts that Lindell hired told the Washington Times that Lindell failed to provide the data he had long promised to deliver. The expert, Josh Merritt, said the data that Lindell did provide cannot prove China hacked the election. “We were handed a turd,” he said."
Aug. 12, 2021
GOP Lawmakers Ask Gov. Ducey To Withhold Funding From School Districts Mandating Masks
"Several prominent Arizona Republicans issued a joint letter Wednesday afternoon asking Gov. Doug Ducey to withhold funding and begin legal action against school districts that are not following state laws."
Aug. 11, 2021
QAnon Las Vegas Event Adds Two Republican Lawmakers As 'Special Guests'
"Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli and Arizona House Representative Leo Biasiucci have both been listed as future attendees of the "For God & Country: Patriot Double Down" in October."
Jul. 28, 2021
Arizona State Senate GOP Whip Orders People Using Mail-In Voting To ‘Get Off Your Lazy Ass’
"Earlier this week, Arizona State Senate Majority Whip Sonny Borrelli (R-5th District) – whose record on voting rights is predictably abysmal – threw a tantrum during a discussion with right-wing radio host Josh Bernstein, claiming that he is “offended” that people use mail-in voting and that those who do are lazy and unpatriotic"
May 27, 2021
Is Sen. Sonny Borrelli An Insurrectionist?
"Borrelli was a major proponent of the “Stop the Steal” movement, which claims former President Donald Trump won the election despite no proof of widespread fraud."
Mar. 10, 2021
Sen. Sonny Borrelli To Dumpster Divers Who Say They Found Shredded Ballots: Trust No One
"A legislative leader warns a dumpster diver who claims to have found shredded ballots that she could be killed. Trust no one, he says. This is how out-of-control things have gotten in Arizona."
Mar. 12, 2021
Seven Arizonan Republican legislators Face Calls To Ban Them From The House And Senate
"Arizona’s legislative leadership are hearing calls that seven of their Republican colleagues be banned from the House and Senate. The incoming legislators in question back “Stop The Steal.” They are Republican Representatives Mark FinchemDavid Cook, and Walt Blackman along with Republican Senators Wendy RogersKelly TownsendSonny Borrelli, and David Livingston."
Jan. 8, 2021
Arizona Republicans Back Texas AG’s Attempt To Overturn Election
"Arizona state Reps. Nancy BartoFrank CarrollJohn FillmoreMark FinchemTravis GranthamAnthony KernSteve PierceBret Roberts and Kelly Townsend, and Sens. Sylvia AllenSonny BorrelliDavid Gowan and David Livingston signed onto the amicus brief."
Dec. 10, 2020
4 Legislators, 2 From Southern Arizona, Flout Restaurant Shutdown

State Rep. Anthony Kern, R-Glendale, (left) posted a photo of himself, Rep. Mark Finchem and Sens. David Gowan and Sonny Borelli on Twitter on March 17 dining out after 8 pm, the time when Phoenix bars were ordered to shut dining rooms as a public health precaution. Photo: Twitter

Mar. 20, 2020
Battle Lines Drawn In Arizona Gay Discrimination Case
Dec. 24, 2018
Republicans Push To Nullify Arizona Clean-Energy Ballot Measure, Benefit APS
"Republican Sen. Sonny Borrelli of Lake Havasu City introduced the "striker" amendment"
Mar. 15, 2018
Arizona Lawmakers Who'll Make Your Jaw Drop
Mar. 30, 2017
'Tea Party' Bill Would Lock Up Tea Partiers
Feb. 8, 2017
Center for Arizona Policy
2016 Survey Questions For Arizona Candidates
Position Sought: State Senate LD-5
Question 4: Adding "sexual orientation," "gender identity," or "gender expression" to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose.
Question 6: Prohibiting government from discriminating against an individual, organization, or small business based on their beliefs about marriage.*
Candidates' Position: Support.
Question 10: Implementing policies to allow students and faculty to use the restroom, locker room, and shower room that aligns with their gender identity.
Candidates' Position: Oppose.
Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.
Ariz. Republican Caught On Tape Railing Against ‘C*cksucking Idiots’ Backing Opponent
Aug. 25, 2016
Sonny Borrelli Leads Arizona Legislators In 'Dark Money' Race
Aug. 23, 2016

Arizona Lawmaker Denies Details Of 2001 Domestic-Violence Report, Claims Political Hit

"The older boy looked out of his own room and saw his stepfather punch his mom in the mouth and face three times with a closed fist, according to the report. She picked up a crutch and swung it at her husband, but he blocked her. She went into the kitchen and called 911, but Borrelli took the phone out of her hand, told the operator everything was fine, and hung up. The two resumed arguing. When the 911 operator called back, Borrelli and his stepson picked up the call on two different phones. Borrelli went to his son's room and removed the phone cord from the handset, the report says.
The boy said that his mother and stepfather continued fighting, and that he saw Borrelli push his mother, causing her to fall onto a video poker machine in the living room.
"His mom could not get up for a few moments and crawled across the floor," the report says.
She called to her son to call 911 again, and he did. That's when Borrelli allegedly came crashing through the boy's door, damaging the doorframe before ripping the phone out of the wall. He told the boy to wake up his younger brother, and that they were leaving. The boy found his brother awake and crying."

Borrelli-Police-Report (PDF)

Borrelli-Police-Report (Text)

Jul., 26, 2016

Sonny Borrelli's DUI Bill Targets Medical-Cannabis Users With "Inactive" Metabolites

Jan., 28, 2015

Center for Arizona Policy
2014 Candidate Questionnaire
Position Sought: State Representative LD-5
Question 9: Arizona’s voter-approved constitutional definition of marriage should be defended to the fullest extent legally possible.
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 11: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in antidiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 15: Protecting individuals and businesses from being required to provide services or use their artistic expression in a manner that violates their moral or religious beliefs.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.
List Of Arizona Republicans Who Voted For Anti-Gay Discrimination Bill
Feb. 28, 2014
Atheist? Not If You Want To Finish High School In Arizona
Jan. 26, 2013
Center for Arizona Policy
2012 Candidate Questionnaire
Position Sought: State Representative LD-5
Question 9: Amending the United States Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 11: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 15: Protecting professionals from being required to provide services that violate their moral or religious beliefs.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.

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