Janae Shamp  

Ultra-MAGA extremist serial homophobe Republican member of the Arizona State Senate, representing District 29. She assumed office on January 9, 2023. Her current term ends on January 13, 2025. Shamp was one of several legislative candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump in Arizona, defeating incumbent State Representative Joanne Osborne in the Republican primary. Shamp ran for election to the Arizona State Senate to represent District 29. She won in the general election on November 8, 2022. Shamp is running for re-election to the Arizona State Senate to represent District 29. She is on the ballot in the general election on November 5, 2024. She advanced from the Republican primary on July 30, 2024.
Proposal To Lower Mandated Pay For Tipped Arizona Workers Dies In Senate
"Sen. Janae Shamp (R-Surprise) defended the measure"
May 28, 2024
Yet Again, The AZ Legislature Hosts A COVID Hearing Full Of Misinformation
"For the third time in less than a year, Arizona Republican lawmakers listened intently and offered no pushback during a special hearing at the state Senate that was billed as examining the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic but was instead rife with conspiracy theories, misinformation and fear-mongering about vaccines and public health." [ . . . ] "On Friday, the committee once again convened, bringing more of the same people to speak. The committee had previously faced criticism for its awkward name, which has been promoted in abbreviated form by the QAnon-friendly political nonprofit The America Project. The abbreviated name, NCSWIC, is a commonly used abbreviation in the QAnon world, where it means “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming,” alluding to predictions of arrests and executions of members of the “Deep State.” The Republican elected officials on the panel were state Sens. Frank Carroll and Janae Shamp and state Rep. Steve Montenegro, who chairs the state House of Representatives’ Health and Human Services Committee. Sen. T.J. Shope was scheduled to be on the panel but Carroll said he filled in for the senator, who was not able to attend."
Mar. 15, 2024
GOP Senators Move To Ensure 14th Amendment Won’t Block Trump In Arizona
"Trump is facing challenges in multiple states that are aiming to remove him from the Republican primary ballot on the basis of the 14th Amendment. In those cases, plaintiffs argue that Trump’s involvement in Jan. 6 as well as other actions in the aftermath of his presidential election loss disqualify him for office. " [ . . . ] "Senate Bill 1158 says that “a candidate for president may not be excluded or removed from the general election ballot on the basis of a claimed violation of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution” if the candidate is the official nominee or “of a political party that is entitled to continued representation on the ballot.”" [ . . . ] "The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Janae Shamp referenced the Colorado case when discussing the bill in a Senate Elections Committee hearing earlier this month."
Feb. 27, 2024
MAGA Senators Recruiting Armed Out-Of-State “Peace Officers”
"Republican Arizona State Senators David Gowan and Janae Shamp co-sponsored new legislation (SB 1683) which promotes the cross-certification of peace officers from adjacent states (California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico) and paves the way for out-of-state peace officers to work in Arizona law enforcement agencies. Fellow Republican Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, who supports the legislation, as seen below, thanked Coconino Sheriff Jim Driscoll and his deputies “for putting forward SB 1683 to supplant [sic] Coconino County with cross-state-border law enforcement augmentation.”" [ . . . ] "Rogers’s celebration of out-of-state peace officers coming to Arizona and “supplanting” or “augmenting” local law enforcement agencies may be cause for alarm among some Arizonans — and federal officials — as she has been linked to the Oath Keepers, the “far-right anti-government militia whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States.”"
Feb. 15, 2024

The Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) is the most rabid gay-hate, anti LGBTQIA organization in Arizona. Source: Center for Arizona Policy

"Arizona State Senator Janae Shamp, leveraging her extensive background in nursing and healthcare, has championed Senate Bill 1511, which is designed to support those who wish to reverse the adverse effects of gender transition procedures. Drawing inspiration from the story of 19-year-old Chloe Cole, a de-transitioner who faced significant challenges and regrets following her gender transition initiated at a young age, Senator Shamp’s bill mandates that insurers and healthcare providers cover and offer detransition procedures."
Arizona Lawmakers Introduce Border Bill Similar To A Law Texas Is Getting Sued For
"A Republican state senator has introduced legislation dealing with illegal immigrants that could conflict with a 2012 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that said Arizona has no right to enforce federal immigration laws." [ . . . ] "The bill, sponsored by Sen. Janae Shamp (R-Surprise), copies parts of a Texas immigration law the U.S. Department of Justice says is unconstitutional. That Texas law has drawn comparisons to Arizona’s own SB 1070, the infamous immigration law challenged by not just various civil and immigrant rights groups but also the Justice Department."
Jan. 25, 2024
6 Republican Lawmakers Push Legislation To Ensure Trump Can Stay On Arizona’s Ballot
"Six Republican lawmakers are pushing legislation to ensure former President Donald Trump can stay on Arizona’s ballot, regardless of claims that he violated the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. In other states, the case has been made that the 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause disqualifies Trump from running for president or holding public office. Arizona’s Democratic Secretary of State Adrian Fontes says current state law doesn’t allow him to unilaterally remove Trump from the ballot, but that a decision from the court could potentially have that outcome."
Jan. 23, 2024
Election Threat Index
Jan. 5, 2024
Arizona GOP Pounces On Viral Gender Identity Feud Hitting U Of A Nursing School
“I’m absolutely sickened that this institution of higher learning is perpetuating the lie that a person’s gender is based off feelings and not their God-given biological sex established upon conception,” Sen. Janae Shamp, vice-chair of the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services says in the release. “This is completely groomer garbage that strives to confuse our kids in an effort to cater to the evil that is being accepted by today’s society. As a nurse, I am so disheartened that the next generation of nurses are being hijacked of their capabilities to deliver ethical care.” Tucson lawmaker, Sen. Justine Wadsack, also is quoted." [ . . . ] "“If this issue is not immediately resolved by the university, Senate Republicans will weigh all options to make certain tax dollars are no longer used in such an egregious fashion,” said Senator T.J. Shope, who chairs the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services. “The mental health of our children and the state of our health care industry (are) being threatened by this radical ideology.”
Sep. 8, 2023

Traitor much???

Photo: Spencer Platt | Getty Images

Arizona’s Sen. Shamp Was There On Jan. 6

"At around 3:18 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2021, a rioter pulled Officer Michael Fanone into the crowd, where he was tased and beaten, as an angry mob continued to try to break into the U.S. Capitol building. The Lower West Terrace was the scene of some of the most violent skirmishes. Roughly 30 minutes later, Republican Sen. Janae Shamp, of Surprise, was in the crowd, watching things unfold.


In footage provided to the Arizona Mirror by extremist researchers, Shamp, along with her husband, can be seen in the large crowd that gathered along the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol on Jan. 6 outside of a tunnel entrance that became the forefront of violent clashes that would turn deadly."

Jun. 16, 2023

AZ GOP Senator Proudly Flies Flag Adopted By ‘Fringe’ Far-Right Extremists
"A West Valley Republican state senator proudly displays a flag tied to Christian nationalism and other extremist movements on her desk on the floor of the Arizona Senate, though she says she has embraced the symbol for its historical meaning and doesn’t care that “fringe groups” have adopted it.
Jun. 5, 2023
Arizona State Sen. Janae Shamp Has Promoted Neo-Nazis And Other Virulent Antisemites
"Arizona state Sen. Janae Shamp has promoted antisemitic influencers on her Facebook page. Her sources include a neo-Nazi who previously said he wants a picture of Adolf Hitler in “every classroom”; a Gab user who urged readers to “Fight the Jews on Every Single Issue”; a QAnon influencer who dreamed of the day that Jewish people would be “gone”; and a neo-Nazi radio host who served a prison sentence for issuing violent threats. In addition to her repeated promotion of antisemites, Shamp has also forwarded QAnon propaganda dozens of times, which Media Matters reported on earlier this week. QAnon itself is steeped in antisemitism. Shamp has not responded to reporters’ questions for comment about her QAnon activity, but she has taken down some of her posts. Shamp has also compared people who oppose the COVID-19 vaccine to victims of the Holocaust. In one instance, Shamp shared an image of the Jewish badge with the word “unvaccinated” written over it."
Jun. 1, 2023
AZ Senator Who Spearheaded QAnon-Linked COVID Hearing Spread QAnon Online
"A Republican state senator who denied that a COVID conspiracy hearing she spearheaded last week that was marketed with a QAnon acronym had anything to do with the dangerous conspiracy theory had, in fact, posted lots of QAnon content on social media — including the very acronym used by the committee. A report Tuesday by Media Matters for America showed that Arizona Sen. Janae Shamp has peddled QAnon online for years. Shamp last week co-chaired the Arizona Legislature’s Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee, which held two days of hearings featuring a series of COVID conspiracy theories. The ostensible experts who spoke at the hearing had deep connections to the QAnon world and spread misinformation about COVID vaccines, the pandemic response and more."
May 30, 2023
The COVID Vaccine Deniers And QAnon Believers Coming To Speak At The Arizona Legislature
May 23, 2023

"A special committee created by the Arizona legislature to examine the state’s response to COVID-19 will feature a litany of speakers who have spread disinformation about the pandemic, vaccines, spoken at QAnon events and have conspiratorial beliefs about the virus, including believing it will usher in the “mark of the beast.”"

[ . . . ]

"The “Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee” will hold two days of hearings on May 25 and May 26 at the Arizona Capitol, during which a string of ostensible experts will tell the state and federal Republican lawmakers on the panel their opinions on the pandemic, and Arizona’s response to it.

The Republican elected officials on the panel include state Sens. T.J. Shope and Janae Shamp, the chair and vice-chair, respectively, of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee; state Rep. Steve Montenegro, who chairs the state House of Representatives’ Health and Human Services Committee; and U.S. Reps. Andy BiggsEli Crane and Paul Gosar."

[ . . . ]

"Extremist researchers on Twitter were quick to note that the various groups sponsoring the committee had begun promoting it by the acronym, NCSWIC, which is commonly used within the QAnon community to stand for “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.” It most often refers to an unfounded belief that “Deep State” collaborators will soon be arrested."

"This is the drug that fringe doctors and right-wing social media celebrities swore would prevent and/or cure Covid-19, a lie that led to it being in short supply last year."

 Apr. 4, 2022 Source


Encouraged By Right-Wing Doctor Groups, Desperate Patients Turn To Ivermectin For Long Covid

Jul. 26, 2022

Right-Wing Media Pushed A Deworming Drug To Treat Covid-19 That The FDA Says Is Unsafe For Humans

Aug. 23, 2021

The Right's Culture War Scam Led To The Ivermectin Boom

Aug. 30. 2021

*This bill, if passed, would only apply to Drag Storytime at public libraries or other locations which receive state money.

*This bill, were it to become law, would be the same as laws covering a cabaret but with the words  "drag show" instead of "cabaret". This is simply a sneaky attempt to outlaw drag shows.

Sex Obsessed GOP Lawmakers Advance Bill Targeting Drag Shows

Elias Weiss / Phoenix New Times

Feb. 9, 2023

"It was standing room only inside an Arizona Senate hearing room on Wednesday morning as Republican lawmakers advanced a bill that would prohibit public money from being used to pay for “drag shows targeting minors.”
State Senator John Kavanagh, a Fountain Hills Republican who is leading the rush to erase drag from public life, sponsored SB 1026 despite admitting in a recent interview with Phoenix New Times that he can’t think of a single instance in which taxpayer dollars were ever used to put on a drag show for kids in Arizona. The bill defines public money as “tax monies of this state, federal monies passing through the state treasury or any other state monies.”
On a 5-3 party-line vote, the Senate Government Committee approved the bill. Republican Senators Jake HoffmanWendy RogersDavid FarnsworthJustine Wadsack, and Janae Shamp voted in favor of the proposal. Democratic Senators Priya Sundareshan, Juan Mendez, and Eva Diaz voted against it. "


These Arizona Candidates Still Say Donald Trump Won In 2020, Or They're Not Sure What Happened

Oct. 27, 2022

"Elected officials and candidates for office in 2022 continue to challenge and question the results of the 2020 presidential election in Arizona.
The results have been examined and re-examined, challenged in court and in a monthslong ballot review. No evidence has been found of widespread fraud or error in the results.
Yet candidates deny the outcome. Others don't quite go as far. But they raise questions about potential irregularities they say could have influenced the vote and should be examined.
The Arizona Republic is listing candidates by category by the race that they are entered in. This list is not complete and will be updated throughout the 2022 election season.

 Election deniers

These candidates in Arizona races deny that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election, either in Arizona or nationwide."
US Senate

US House of Representatives


Secretary of State

Attorney General


  • Bob Lettieri, Republican

Arizona Corporation Commission

State Senate

State House of Representatives

Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

 Election questioners
These candidates in Arizona continue to raise issues about the 2020 election process but do not deny or affirm that Joe Biden won.
US House of Representatives

Arizona Corporation Commission

State Senate

State House of Representatives

 No Clear Answer
These candidates have failed to answer or not provided a clear answer on whether Joe Biden won the election.

State House of Representatives


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