Alexander Kolodin  

Far-right Republican and ultra-MAGA extremist member of the Arizona House of Representatives, representing District 3. He assumed office on January 9, 2023. His current term ends on January 13, 2025. Kolodin ran for election to the Arizona House of Representatives to represent District 3. He won in the general election on November 8, 2022. He is a founding state house member of the radical, pro-insurrectionist "Freedom Caucus". He was a candidate for State Senate district in 2020 losing to Michelle Ugenti-Rita. Kolodin was an inside player promoting Donald Trump's "Big Lie' and attempt to steal the office of the President in 2020. Kolodin is running for re-election to the Arizona House of Representatives to represent District 3. He is on the ballot in the Republican primary on July 30, 2024.
Rep. Alexander Kolodin Goes Full-On Kook With 'Deep State' Assassination Plot
"“I think that you guys have lost your privileges to talk about Jan. 6th after you tried to assassinate our president. I’ll leave it at that,” Kolodin said. “Excuse me?” Goodman asked. “You guys. You Democrats have lost your privileges to go on and on and on – I know who Democracy Now! is – to go on and on and on and on about. Jan. 6 when you literally tried to shoot our president, right?” Kolodin replied."
Jul. 19, 2024
Scottsdale Rep. Kolodin Calls For An End To ‘Scourge Of Abortion’ In GOP Party Platform Dissent
"In addition to fighting against a repeal of the state’s abortion ban, Kolodin has spent a great deal of his time at the state capitol devising new ways to restrict abortion access. He supported a number of fetal personhood bills, sponsored by fellow Republican Rep. Matt Gress, that would have defined conception as the point of life, which would make abortion at any stage of pregnancy a form of murder. Kolodin also introduced a proposal that would allow private citizens to enforce the state’s 15-week abortion ban. Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes has prohibited any prosecution under the ban; Kolodin’s motion would circumvent this prohibition by allowing anyone to sue healthcare providers that offer abortion services they believe are in violation of the law. Other initiatives supported by Kolodin would require public disclosure of any company that donates to abortion-adjacent organizations, a “born alive” bill that stigmatizes abortion and could put healthcare providers at legal risk, and an effort for the state legislature to create a misleading ballot initiative as a way to confuse voters and undercut the Arizona Abortion Access Act, a citizen’s initiative to restore abortion access in Arizona."
Jul. 18, 2024
Every name in RED, as of this date, has now voted 3 times in two weeks to keep the 1864 Abortion Ban on the books and the law of Arizona.
Apr. 18, 2024
Sandra Day O’Connor Is An Arizona Icon, But Is Too ‘Undistinguished’ To Warrant A Statue, Republicans Say
"“We cannot allow the distinguished members of this body to have to suffer walking by such an undistinguished jurist when they enter here in the morning,” Rep. Alexander Kolodin, R-Scottsdale, said. The statue would not have been placed at the Arizona Capitol, but instead inside Statuary Hall in the nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C. Kolodin said that O’Connor, who was the first female majority leader in the nation while she served in the Arizona Senate, was a good lawmaker but an awful Supreme Court justice. He specifically took offense with O’Connor’s rulings on abortion and affirmative action."
Feb. 29, 2024

MAGA Senator Shouts: “We Shoved Election Integrity Down Her Throat!”

State Rep. Alex Kolodin, photo: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

"At the Arizona Legislative District 3 Republican Committee meeting on Tuesday, Rep. Kolodin delivered an impassioned speech to celebrate and explain how he “sideswiped” Governor Hobbs and “forced her” into passing his Election Integrity Bill, HB2785. Kolodin said the bill includes several “Republican wins” including “legally binding signature verification standards to verify the identification of voters” and “a prohibition of election officials accessing the election results before election day.” Kolodin exclaimed at the podium, “We have made significant progress!” He laughed, “We never win, right? Well, not this time!” Referring to Governor Hobbs, Kolodin yelled: “We shoved election integrity down her throat!”"
Feb. 15, 2024
Arizona Lawyer Disciplined For Ethical Violations In Republican Election-Related Lawsuits After 2020 Vote
"According to documents released by the State Bar, Kolodin violated prohibitions on "conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice" and bringing "a proceeding, or assert or controvert an issue therein, unless there is a good faith basis in law and fact for doing so that is not frivolous.""
Dec. 14, 2023

Arizona Lawmaker Tweets About Shooting People After Hobbs Aide Quits Over Gun Meme

Ray Stern / Arizona Republic

Mar. 31, 2023

"Kolodin, a lawyer who's serving his first term in office, said in an interview the comparison to Berry's tweet "doesn't track" due to context and he stands by his statements. But he acknowledged that he probably could have worded his tweets better.
His posts on the theme began after 8 p.m. March 29, when Twitter user Patrick Camunez suggested on the social media platform that Kolodin's on the "shoot them" comment might be newsworthy. In another tweet, Camunez said he thought Kolodin should apologize. The Arizona House Democrats Twitter account had noted the comment in a post just after noon that day.
Kolodin escalated the rhetoric in a tweet, calling Camunez "antisemitic," continuing with "The Jews in Nazi Germany didn't have the second amendment, I do. You got a problem with that?"
That's when Trevor Nelson, a Scottsdale constituent in Kolodin's Legislative District 3, jumped into the fray, accusing Kolodin of repeating "actual threats of violence" and telling the lawmaker to resign.
Kolodin then called Nelson a "Nazi." He retweeted a 2011 Politico article about a potential ballot measure in San Francisco that would have banned circumcisions. A judge later struck the measure from the ballot because of a California state law that designated the regulating of medical procedures strictly a state matter.
Nelson denied Kolodin's accusation, but Kolodin plowed on, saying Nelson had the "right to advocate for Nazi ideology," but if "you try to use the state to impose Nazi crap on me, well... I'm a good shot." He later added, "I love assault rifles. They're good for shooting Nazis.""

AZ House Elections Committee: Don’t Say ‘Conspiracy Theory’
"GOP Rep. Kolodin says lobbyist can ‘go f*** himself’ for implying the Jewish lawmaker is a white supremacist"
Mar. 10, 2023
Rep Kolodin Doesn't Want This Public
"In January, freshman Republican State Rep. Alexander Kolodin hit reply all on an email to House members and staff complaining that he didn’t like any of the photos Timon Harper Photography took of him for legislative photo day. In the email he inadvertently sent to everyone, he wrote, “These are all awful and will be used in hit pieces on me. I'll take the first one if I have to for the historical record but I'd ask that it not be posted online or used in any press releases. I can provide a different headshot for online positing.”"
Mar. 8, 2023
As Hobbs Called For Collaboration, Some Republicans Literally Turned Their Backs
"As Democratic lawmakers applauded Hobbs’ education agenda, Republican Sens. Justine Wadsack and Anthony Kern stood and turned their backs to the governor. Earlier, GOP Reps. Rachel Jones, Alexander Kolodin and Jacqueline Parker walked out of the speech. Midway through the speech, Rep. Jake Hoffman exited the House floor. “It’s unfortunate that some members chose an immature stunt instead, but we have really tough issues in front of us and we need to work together to stop them,” Hobbs said during a news conference after the speech."
Jan. 9 2023
Center for Arizona Policy
2022 Survey Questions For Arizona Candidates
Position Sought: State Representative District 3
Question 2: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose.
Question 4: Allowing biological males that identify as transgender to play on female sports’ teams.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 8: Allowing parents to seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 9: Protecting individuals and businesses from being required to provide services or use their artistic expression in a manner that violates their moral or religious beliefs.**
Candidates' Position: Support.
This is in reference to the dangerous and disproven "Reparative Therapy".
**Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.
Freedom Voter Guide: Alexander Kolodin


Conscience Rights for Creative Professionals: Allowing creative professionals (photographer, baker, wedding vendor) to decline to participate in events or create messages that violate their moral or religious beliefs. (Religious Freedom Laws)



Conscience Rights for Faith-Based Organizations: Exempting faith-based organizations from regulations that cause them to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs. (Religious Freedom Laws)



Women's Sports: Preventing biological males who identify as female from competing in women's sports. (Transgender Discrimination)



Gender Identity Counseling: Allowing parents to obtain professional counseling for children struggling with gender identity issues to help them reach their desired outcome. (Dangerous Reparative Therapy)



Protected Class for Sexual Orientation: Adding “sexual orientation” as a protected class alongside race, religion, sex, age, and disability in nondiscrimination law. (Candidate supports LGBTQIA Discrimination)



Protected Class for Gender Identity: Adding “gender identity” as a protected class alongside race, religion, sex, age, and disability in nondiscrimination law. (Candidate supports LGBTQIA Discrimination)



Medical Rights of Conscience: Allowing health care workers and providers the freedom to practice medicine in accordance with their personal beliefs and conscience. (Religious Freedom Laws)



Parental Rights for Healthcare Disclosure: Requiring schools to disclose to parents if the school is providing counseling or medical services to a child who desires to undergo “gender transition.”


Release The Kraken Attorney Alex Kolodin Plans To Run For State House Seat
"The Arizona attorney who worked with Sidney Powell and the Trump team to bring several of the lawsuits claiming widespread fraud in Maricopa County's November elections wants to be on next year's ballot. Alex Kolodin last night filed a Statement of Interest to run for one of the State House seats in Legislative District 23."
Jun. 18, 2021
Judge Rejects Call For Secret Election Audit Hearing From Auditors, Senate Republicans
Attorneys representing the auditors argued that policies and procedures largely related to security needed to remain under seal in order to keep “bad actors” from manipulating the hand-recount of the 2020 election that is taking place on the floor of Veterans Memorial Coliseum. Attorney Alexander Kolodin, who is representing Cyber Ninjas, said that the documents contain plans to respond to security incidents and show vulnerabilities of the one-time basketball arena where the nearly 2.1 million ballots are stored.
Apr. 22, 2012
Two Arizona Lawmakers At The Capitol During The Riot Refuse To Turn Over Their Phone Records
""Our clients will not comply with your records request as to any information stored on or sent from their personal devices," attorney Alexander Kolodin wrote."
Jan. 27, 2021
GOP Lawyer Filed A Legal Bag Of Trash To Overturn Election
"I was appalled to see Trump lawyer Alexander Kolodin file a legal bag of trash in Arizona federal court in a ludicrous attempt to overturn Arizona’s election results. His complaint was a sack of Venezuelan conspiracies, anonymous “witnesses,” and irrelevant material from other states. [...] Kolodin, who lives in Scottsdale, is an anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-income tax zealot who thinks teachers should carry guns in school. [...] The fantastical allegations spew forth in a total of 23 bogus affidavits, one harder to believe than the next."
Dec. 12, 2020
Judge Skewers GOP Lawsuit To Throw Out AZ Election, Citing Total Lack Of Evidence
"Alexander Kolodin, an Arizona attorney who represented the plaintiffs, said the legal team is reviewing its options for appeal, including whether to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court."
Dec. 9, 2020
New Lawsuit Seeks To Invalidate Election
"Prior lawsuits challenging the election — including some by Powell’s Arizona co-counsel Alexander Kolodin — have been dismissed. That includes the “SharpieGate” claim that the use of the markers resulted in false counts."
Dec. 2, 2020
AG Convinced No Problems With Sharpies, Steps Away From Lawsuit
"Kolodin [...] said there is evidence that people were denied new ballots or that the ballots with problems, rather than being counted by machines, were set aside and sent to county offices where individuals sought to “adjudicate” what is the voter’s intent. But that, however, runs afoul of the right of voters who show up at polling places to feed their ballots into the machines and verify that they are being tallied. He also wants Mahoney to order that outsiders, including people who say their Sharpie-marked ballots may have been misread, to go to county offices and watch as these ballots are fed back through machines. Liddy said there are no such boxes of ballots waiting to be rerun and tabulated. But here, too, Kolodin questions that assertion."
Nov. 6, 2020
Center for Arizona Policy
2020 Survey Questions For Arizona Candidates
Position Sought: State Senate LD-23
Question 2: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose.
Question 4: Allowing biological males that identify as transgender to play on female sports’ teams.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 9: Protecting a parent's right to seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues to help them reach their desired outcome.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 11: Protecting individuals and businesses from being required to provide services or use their artistic expression in a manner that violates their moral or religious beliefs.**
Candidates' Position: Support.
This is in reference to the dangerous and disproven "Reparative Therapy".
**Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.

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