Rachel Jones  

Ultra-MAGA Republican extremist and serial homophobe Rachel Jones is a member of the Arizona House of Representatives elected to represent District 17 in 2022. She is a founding state house member of the of the radical, pro-insurrectionist "Freedom Caucus". Jones is running for re-election to the Arizona House of Representatives to represent District 17. She is on the ballot in the Republican primary on July 30, 2024.
Republicans Punish Dems For Staging A ‘Drag Story Hour’ For Adults In The AZ House Basement

More on Anthony Kern HERE. Source: X


"Democratic members of the Arizona House of Representatives are having their privileges to use meeting rooms in the chamber revoked after they used a room in the basement to host a drag story hour alongside Planned Parenthood on Tuesday.

Rep. Lorena Austin, D-Mesa, the nation’s first nonbinary Chicane legislator, reserved the room so that Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona could hold a drag story hour on Tuesday morning. When Republicans, who have spent the last several years crusading against drag and the LGBTQ community, learned about the event, it sparked an outrcy."

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"Jones said Tuesday that the drag story hour was a “desecration of the people’s house.” "

May 1, 2024
Every name in RED, as of this date, has now voted 3 times in two weeks to keep the 1864 Abortion Ban on the books and the law of Arizona.
Apr. 18, 2024
Republican's Plan To award Trump With Arizona Electors Blocked In Committee
"Rep. Rachel Jones, R-Tucson, crafted a resolution that would have given the state's 11 electoral votes to the Republican nominee for president, likely Donald Trumpwithout holding an election."
Feb. 15, 2024
Election Threat Index
Jan. 5, 2024
Four Arizona State Reps Break Term Limits Pledge
"Arizona State Representatives Liz Harris, Keith Seaman, Rachel Jones and Leo Biasiucci reneged on their pledges they had made to their constituents by voting against a term limits resolution they had vowed to support. On the Arizona House Floor, Harris, Seaman, Jones and Biasiucci voted “No” on HCR 2016, a resolution for an amendment convention that would propose term limits on Congress. The state reps had previously signed a pledge stating, “I pledge, that as a member of the state legislature, I will cosponsor and vote for the resolution applying for an Article V convention for the sole purpose of enacting term limits on Congress.””
Apr. 11, 2023
Arizona Senate Votes To Bar Official From Overseeing Some Elections
"The Republican-controlled Arizona Senate voted Tuesday to require that the state’s top election official not participate in overseeing elections in which he or she is on the ballot. That leaves the proposal one vote away from heading to Democratic governor and former secretary of state Katie Hobbs. The legislation proposed by Rep. Rachel Jones, R-Tucson, has its roots in unfounded complaints by some losing Republican candidates in the 2022 election that Hobbs put her thumb on the scale for Democratic candidates while serving as secretary of state. Those who accused Hobbs of having a conflict of interest included Kari Lake, who lost her race for governor to Hobbs, and Mark Finchem, who lost his bid to replace Hobbs as Arizona's top election official to Democrat Adrian Fontes. All Democrats in the Senate voted Tuesday against the measure, House Bill 2308, as did all House Democrats when it passed out of that chamber in February, saying it was prompted by baseless conspiracy theories."
Apr. 4, 2023

This bill, had it become law, would be the same as laws covering a cabaret but with the words "drag show" instead of "cabaret". This is simply a sneaky attempt to outlaw drag shows.

As Hobbs Called For Collaboration, Some Republicans Literally Turned Their Backs
"As Democratic lawmakers applauded Hobbs’ education agenda, Republican Sens. Justine Wadsack and Anthony Kern stood and turned their backs to the governor. Earlier, GOP Reps. Rachel JonesAlexander Kolodin and Jacqueline Parker walked out of the speech. Midway through the speech, Rep. Jake Hoffman exited the House floor. “It’s unfortunate that some members chose an immature stunt instead, but we have really tough issues in front of us and we need to work together to stop them,” Hobbs said during a news conference after the speech."
Jan. 9 2023
Freedom Voter Guide: Rachel Jones


Conscience Rights for Creative Professionals: Allowing creative professionals (photographer, baker, wedding vendor) to decline to participate in events or create messages that violate their moral or religious beliefs. (Religious Freedom Laws)



Conscience Rights for Faith-Based Organizations: Exempting faith-based organizations from regulations that cause them to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs. (Religious Freedom Laws)



Women's Sports: Preventing biological males who identify as female from competing in women's sports. (Transgender Discrimination)



Gender Identity Counseling: Allowing parents to obtain professional counseling for children struggling with gender identity issues to help them reach their desired outcome. (Dangerous Reparative Therapy)



Protected Class for Sexual Orientation: Adding “sexual orientation” as a protected class alongside race, religion, sex, age, and disability in nondiscrimination law. (Candidate supports LGBTQIA Discrimination)



Protected Class for Gender Identity: Adding “gender identity” as a protected class alongside race, religion, sex, age, and disability in nondiscrimination law. (Candidate supports LGBTQIA Discrimination)



Medical Rights of Conscience: Allowing health care workers and providers the freedom to practice medicine in accordance with their personal beliefs and conscience. (Religious Freedom Laws)



Parental Rights for Healthcare Disclosure: Requiring schools to disclose to parents if the school is providing counseling or medical services to a child who desires to undergo “gender transition.”


Civic Engagement Beyond Voting - Fact Sheet For Rachel Jones

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