John Fillmore


Photo: Ross D. Franklin/AP

Former extremist Republican member of the Arizona House of Representatives representing District 16 since January 14, 2019. Fillmore also previously served in the Arizona House of Representatives from 2011 to 2013 from District 23. In 2020, he proposed House Bill 2082, to "prevent public schools from penalizing employees who use incorrect pronouns for transgender students." It would also prohibit schools from requiring that employees use correct pronouns for students, unless the pronoun 'corresponds to the sex listed on that student's birth certificate.'" After Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and refused to concede while making false claims of fraud, Fillmore sponsored HB 2701, a bill which would, among other things, limit mail-in voting in Arizona as well as limit the number of voting centers in each county. Counties with populations less than 200,000 persons would have a maximum of four centers, those from 200,000 to 1,000,000 would have not more than 8 voting centers, and those with over 1,000,000 persons would be limited to 15 voting centers. The very populous Maricopa County would therefore have about one center for 300,000 people, while the very spread out Coconino County would have four voting centers total. In 2022, Fillmore proposed to eliminate most early and absentee voting, as well as force people to vote in their home precincts rather than at voting centers across the state of Arizona. Fillmore also proposed to allow the Arizona legislature to overturn election results. Fillmore was a member of the radical, pro-insurrectionist "Freedom Caucus". Fillmore is running for election to the Arizona House of Representatives to represent District 7. He is on the ballot in the Republican primary on July 30, 2024.
Former Republican State Rep. John Fillmore Tapped To Lead “Patriot Party”
"The Patriot Party of Arizona, which tried and failed to qualify as a new Arizona political party in 2021, has announced that its new leader is former Republican State Representative John Fillmore, and that he will be leading the party in its fresh effort to become an official party and compete directly with both the Republican and Democratic parties. [ . . . ] “By the end of his last campaign, the only friends Fillmore had left were a handful of Patriot Party supporters, so this isn’t a surprise,” observed one active GOP voter"
Apr. 23, 2023
AJ Lawmaker Wins Prize For Dumbest Legislation
"As we head toward April and the Arizona legislative session winds down, the fierce competition for the dumbest idea yet appears to be over. This year’s honors go to Apache Junction Rep. John Fillmore for his tireless efforts to destroy the state’s voting system with his masterpiece, now known as House Bill 2289. Fillmore’s mantra, as quoted from a hearing on election matters: “We need to get back to 1958-style voting.
Mar. 31, 2022

In other words, as PROVEN by this bill, Republicans and ammosexuals find it wrong to discriminate against inanimate objects but have no problem discriminating against people.

Shame On Every Republican Who Voted To Sabotage Arizona's Schools
"It’s not surprising that our leaders finally broke down and agreed to allow the public schools to spend money that’s already sitting in their bank accounts – money the Legislature appropriated last June. What is stunning is that 20 Republicans – 14 in the House and six in the Senate – actually voted to stiff the schools and to heck with the impact on the one million Arizona children who attend them."
Feb. 22, 2022
Arizona Lawmaker Works To Limit Gender Option On State Forms
"Rep. John Fillmore, R-Apache Junction, said he believes there currently are no forms that provide an alternative. Instead, he called it "kind of a precautionary thing," given that other states, including California, do allow that option. "Historically, what happens in California is like a tidal wave," Fillmore said. "It just kind of rolls our way." But unbeknownst to Fillmore, that already is happening: The Arizona Department of Transportation does provide an option for driver licenses to have an X instead of M or F where "sex" is listed. That, however requires an applicant to present a government document — presumably from another state — showing their gender as non-binary. It is not an option for an Arizonan simply seeking a change in designation. Fillmore said all his measure does is recognize reality. "There are two biological sexes," he said, regardless of how people identify themselves."
Feb. 6, 2022
Republican Election Bill Would Move Arizona One Step Closer To A Dictatorship
"Some Arizona Republicans want the kind of democracy where they alone can change election results. Laughable, right? It is not. Republican Rep. John Fillmore is proposing legislation to kill early voting altogether, mandate a hand count of votes within 24 hours and give the Legislature the final say over results. Under House Bill 2596, the only voters allowed to vote absentee would be those who are serving in the military overseas, visually impaired, hospitalized or out of state on Election Day. More than a dozen state lawmakers have signed onto the legislation, the latest of a flood of proposals designed change voting. This week, a Senate committee approved seven election-related bills by those who falsely claim the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump. But Fillmore’s proposal is the ultimate attempt to turn democracy into a de-facto dictatorship."
Jan. 26, 2022
GOP Lawmakers Ask Gov. Ducey To Withhold Funding From School Districts Mandating Masks
"Several prominent Arizona Republicans issued a joint letter Wednesday afternoon asking Gov. Doug Ducey to withhold funding and begin legal action against school districts that are not following state laws."
Aug. 11, 2021

AZ GOP’s Rep. John Fillmore Admits That Republicans Will Believe The “Big Lie”



May 4, 2021                            

Losing Arizona: Is Rep. John Fillmore An Insurrectionist?
"More than two months after the insurrection, these lawmakers still hold their elected position and have not been held accountable for their actions despite repeated calls for some to be disciplined or expelled from the legislature."
Mar. 10, 2021
Arizona Legislator Compares Transgender, Non-Binary Kids To Barnyard Animals
"Republican John Fillmore compared trans and non-binary kids to chickens"
Feb. 11, 2021
Arizona Republicans Back Texas AG’s Attempt To Overturn Election
"Arizona state Reps. Nancy BartoFrank CarrollJohn FillmoreMark FinchemTravis GranthamAnthony KernSteve PierceBret Roberts and Kelly Townsend, and Sens. Sylvia AllenSonny BorrelliDavid Gowan and David Livingston signed onto the amicus brief."
Dec. 10, 2020
State Rep Stands By Comment Comparing Efforts To Slow COVID-19 To The Holocaust
Sep. 9, 2020
Arizona ALEC Politicians - SourceWatch
Sep. 21, 2018
John Fillmore: The Perpetual Candidate
Oct. 21, 2015

PLEASE NOTE:  A "Yes" vote would allow ranch dogs to be neglected or abandoned, killed and tortured. It would allow the owner of a ranch dog to inflict unnecessary injury to the animal and not provide medical attention.

Rep. Fillmore Plays Tasteless April Fools Joke On Arizona's Schools
Rep. John Fillmore on the floor of the Arizona House of Representatives, mocks Democrats efforts to restore funding for Arizona's schools. Upon taking the microphone, Fillmore began by stating how much he respected the Democrats in fighting for their amendment. He said he rose to support the amendment. However, halfway through the speech, Fillmore exclaimed "April Fools" and derided the amendment saying it was throwing away more of the state's money. This is a far cry from 2006 when Fillmore, then a candidate for the legislature, said he was a supporter of all-day kindergarten.
Apr. 8, 2011

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