Center for Arizona Policy  

The Center for Arizona Policy is a non-profit research and education organization committed to strengthening the family and restoring traditional moral principles to the public policy and cultural arenas.  As part of a 50-state partnership associated with Focus on the Family, the Center works to:
1. Provide quality research and factual information to policy makers on vital issues affecting the family.
2. Equip concerned citizens and churches to be persuasive advocates for the family.
3. Be a voice for the family by communicating truth through the media.

We battle organizations like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and gay rights groups that seek to destroy traditional families and traditional moral values. We have developed strong bonds with friends like Arizona Right to Life, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Arizona Families for Home Education, Alliance Defense Fund, and many others including local churches.


CAP has been selected and endorsed by Dr. Dobson and Focus on the Family to be the Family Policy Council for Arizona. CAP is deeply grateful for Focus on the Family’s support through the provision of research, promotion, materials, prayers and guidance.

Source: CAP 2004 "Our Mission"

Az Regulators Consider Conversion Therapy 'Unprofessional Conduct,' But Have Not Prevented It
"Failure to get bipartisan legislation on this topic passed through the Capitol illustrates the influence wielded by groups such as the Center for Arizona Policy, which continues to fight against conversion therapy legislation. The group is part of the lobbying arm of Focus on the Family, an organization that promotes conversion therapists in its “Christian Counselor Network,” an online search portal for religious-focused therapists and counselors. The Center for Arizona Policy also distributes a voter guide which has candidates’ responses on a number of issues, including one on whether or not they support the rights of parents to “seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues.”"
Apr. 15, 2024
Arizona Could Ban Transgender Women, Girls From Sports Teams Aligning With Their Identity
"Barto... is working with the ADF and the Center for Arizona Policy, a powerful group at the state Capitol that lobbies for religious freedom and anti-abortion legislation"
Jan. 25, 2020
Cathi Herrod Wants To Kill An AZ Information Service Because She’s A Theocrat
Mar. 28, 2019
Recording: Key Lobbyist Opposed Voucher-Program Accountability, Touted Financial Benefit
Apr. 4, 2018
Should Cathi Herrod Answer Some Questions About The Duggars? Why Yes!
May 26, 2015
Abortion Queen Cathi Herrod Is Back With Another Sick Piece of Legislation Endangering Women And The Doctors Who Serve Them
Mar. 15, 2015
Meet Cathi Herrod, Arizona's Extreme Anti-LGBT "Legislative Terrorist"
Nov. 13, 2014
Center For Arizona Policy Spending ‘Dark Money’ In Legislative Races
Aug. 4, 2014
Cathi Herrod's Center For Arizona Policy Hates Gays, Abortions, And Likes To Tell Politicians What To Do
Apr. 3, 2014
Cathi Herrod & Center For Arizona Policy Give AZ Legislature More Than Ideas
Mar. 3, 2014
Behind-The-Scenes Force Wields Influence On Ariz. Laws
Mar. 2, 2014
Arizona Lawmakers Pass Bill To Allow Faith-Based Refusal Of Services
Feb. 20, 2014
Arizona Lawmaker’s Bills Seek Equality For LGBT Community
Jan. 30, 2013
Cathi Herrod And Center For Arizona Policy's Bizarre Anti-Bullying Bill Conspiracy Theory
Mar. 15, 2012
Dysart Unified School District Sued by Child Evangelism Fellowship Over Flier Ban
Jan. 20, 2012
Will Cathi Herrod Ever Apologize?
Feb. 2, 2011
Dozens Of GOP Leaders Declare Solidarity With Those Who Want To See Homosexuality Outlawed
Dec. 15, 2010

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