Ken Bennett


 Far-right Republican conspiracy theorist and MAGA extremist member of the Arizona State Senate, representing District 1. He assumed office on January 9, 2023. His current term ends on January 13, 2025. Bennett ran for election to the Arizona State Senate to represent District 1. He won in the general election on November 8, 2022. Bennett was a 2016 Republican candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 1st Congressional District of Arizona. He was defeated by Paul Babeu in the Republican primary on August 30, 2016. Bennett ran for governor in 2014 and was defeated by Doug Ducey in the Republican primary on August 26, 2014. Bennett was the Arizona Secretary of State from 2009 to 2015. Bennett, a Republican, was first appointed to the position by former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) in January 2009. Brewer served as the secretary of state prior to the resignation of former Governor Janet Napolitano (D). He won election to a full four-year term as secretary in 2010 and was barred by term limits from seeking re-election in 2014. In 2021, the Arizona state senate controlled by Republicans provided $150,000 for funding an audit of the 2020 election presidential results in Maricopa County, with Bennett becoming a liaison between the contractors performing the audit, the state, and the county. In late July 2021, it was reported that Bennett had been "banned from entering the building where the recount process is ongoing, after he shared some data with experts that showed the results match the officially certified numbers in Maricopa County" In 2012, Bennett made national news when he requested President Barack Obama's birth certificate from the state of Hawaii as a prerequisite to listing Obama on that year's presidential ballot.  Bennett ran for re-election to the Arizona State Senate to represent District 1. He lost in the Republican primary on July 30, 2024.


Arizona State Senator Blocks Bill Sending Transgender Laws To Ballot, Citing 'Nephews And Nieces'
"Bennett helped pass two conservative bills that would require transgender students to use different bathrooms and changing rooms from their peers and ban school employees from using a student's preferred pronouns without parental consent. Both bills are sure to be vetoed by Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs. But Bennett rejected a third measure that would have bypassed the governor and put both those same policies up to a vote on the ballot in November."
*NOTE: This is called "One step forward, two steps back" and again, while he voted "no" on one measure, he voted yes on two others.
Feb. 27, 2024
Election Threat Index
Jan. 5, 2024

The anti-Drag Storey Time Bill. This bill would apply only to libraries and other government facilities.

The anti-Drag Storey Time Bill. This bill would apply only to libraries and other government facilities.

This bill, were it to become law, would be the same as laws covering a cabaret but with the words "drag show" instead of "cabaret". This is simply a sneaky attempt to outlaw drag shows.

Audit Twitter Accounts, Cyber Ninjas Contract Dispute And Other Details Revealed In New Documents
"Audit liaison Ken Bennett and other audit officials would not disclose to journalists, who asked frequently, who was running the Twitter accounts. Bennett at one point said the initial account he started was run by a group of volunteers."
Sep. 25, 2021

There Will Be Winners And Losers When Arizona's Election Audit Ends. Here Are A Few

LOSER: Ken Bennett

"The former secretary of state decided to volunteer his services to act as the Senate’s liaison to the audit, hoping he could lend his expertise in elections to the ensure legitimacy in the audit.
It was a laudable goal. Unfortunately, he became the affable stooge, unable even to control his own Senate liaison Twitter account, which at times appeared to be authored by a third grader, chiding journalists and promoting conspiracy theories.
Bennett is the first person you see in the trailer for “The Deep Rig,” a documentary about the supposedly stolen election. The filmmaker was granted special access to the auditors, possibly because the documentary is based upon a book written by former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, who claims to have raised $2.8 million to help fund the audit.
Ken Bennett is a respected Republican, a longtime elected state official and Prescott businessman who lent his time and his generally good reputation to this audit.
“I’m not trying to give credibility to crazy people or, as (12 News') Brahm (Resnik) accused me of on Sunday Squareoff, I’m not trying to add fuel to the insurrection fire,” he told me in April. “I’m just trying to make sure that Arizonans have confidence that their elections are fair, transparent and accurate.”
Chalk this one up as a loss, all the way around. If Bennett was hoping this would serve as a springboard back into statewide office, he can put that dream to rest."

Jun. 22, 2021

Article mentioned can be found below on May 22, 2012, Photo: TwitterSource
"Arizona Audit" Updates: Former Secretary Of State Can't Convince Companies Audit Is Not Part Of "Big Lie"; Notorious Atty Lin Wood Is Major Funder AND Has Ties To Head "Cyber Ninja"
Apr. 16, 2021
Promoter Of False Election Fraud Claims Is Raising Money For Arizona Senate GOP’s Election Audit. Is That even Legal?
"Spokesman Ken Bennett says Senate needs private donations because costs will top the $150,000 being paid to election fraud promoter who’s leading audit.
Apr. 11, 2021
Dirty Tricks: Ken Bennett Angles For Maricopa County Elections Job
Mar. 2, 2017
Arizona Congressional Election 2016 Political Courage Test
Position Sought: U.S. House of Representatives CD-1
NoCandidate Answer Do you support same-sex marriage?

Arizona Political Candidates Hobnob With Cliven Bundy At GOP Picnic
"PHOENIX – Outlaw Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his armed posse hobnobbed with numerous Arizona Republican political candidates last weekend at the70th annual Mohave County Republican Party Picnic. [...] Stumping politicians who attended the Aug. 16 picnic along with Bundy included: Gubernatorial candidates Treasurer Doug DuceyChristine Jones and Secretary of State Ken Bennett; Secretary of State candidate Michelle Reagan; Attorney General candidate Mark Brnovich; Treasurer candidates Jeff DeWitt and Randy Pullen; and Superintendent of Public Instruction candidate Diane Douglas. [...] Bundy made national and international headlines in April over his tense standoff with local sheriff’s deputies and federal land management officials during which his followers trained guns on law enforcement officers and media."
Aug. 22, 2014
Top GOP Candidate for Governor Led Birther Efforts In Arizona
Jun. 3, 2014
Ken Bennett Is The Free Enterprise Crony Of The Month
Jun. 2, 2014
Arizona Secretary Of State On Payroll Of Freedomworks Activist
"Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, a Republican, has been paid $2,000 a month by a key bankroller of the Tea Party group Freedomworks since he took office in 2009"
May 7, 2013
Ken Bennett Courts Ridicule With More Birther Nonsense
Jun. 20, 2012
Bennett Backs Off Birther Threat, Apologizes To Arizona
May 22, 2012
Emails Show How Hawaii Stiffed Arizona Secretary Of State's Birther Investigation
May 21, 2012
Ken Bennett's Son + Youth Camp + Broomsticks = AZ SOS?
May 18, 2012
Obama May Not Make The Arizona Ballot For Usual Stupid Arizona Reasons
"Arizona's Secretary of State has threatened not to put President of the United States of America Barack Obama on the ballot this fall because (a) he had a persuasive chit-chat with World Net Daily arch-grifter Jerome Corsi and (b) "he got more than 1,200 emails" demanding he look into the president's birth certificate after Joe Arpaio’s "investigation" came out. This is the current power system in Arizona, folks. This is how things are done now. We're tempted to declare the devolution complete and finally throw that big State of Nature parade in the blood-soaked hellscape streets of outer Phoenix, but maybe it's too soon. They'll do something dumber, eventually. They always do. Christ, Arizona. Stop hitting yourself."
May 18, 2012
Ken Bennett, Arizona Secretary Of State, Plays To The "Birthers"
May 17, 2012
Senate President's Son Gets Plea Deal
"The son of Arizona Senate President Ken Bennett may not see prison time, though he confessed that he and another counselor sodomized 18 boys with broomsticks and flashlights at a youth camp in June."
Apr. 3, 2006

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