Diane Douglas


Far-right Republican who served as Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction from 2015 to 2019. She was elected on November 4, 2014, edging out her Democratic opponent, David Garcia, by one percentage point. Douglas succeeded John Huppenthal, whom she defeated for the party's nomination in the Republican primary on August 26, 2014. Immediately after her election, Douglas faced a recall effort by voters who claimed that she was not qualified for the position. The recall effort failed to gather enough signatures to make the ballot. However, as of August 2016, Douglas's approval rating was just 16 percent. In 2018, Douglas removed evolution from the Arizona state education standards.
Arizona Education Official To Parents: Take Your Children Out Of Public Schools
*Please note: At the time of this article Diane Douglas had not been an "Arizona Education Official" in quite some time.
Mar. 4, 2020
Online Hoax Sends Diane Douglas On 'Pedephilia' Rant Against Arizona Officials
Jul. 4, 2019
Douglas Decries Ruling Declaring Ethnic Studies Ban Unconstitutional
"The state's top education official wants to salvage at least some of a law banning "ethnic studies'' that was struck down as unconstitutional by a federal judge."
Sep. 27, 2018
Diane Douglas Is Still After #RedforEd Teachers For Possible 'Irreparable Damage' To Kids
Jun. 27, 2018
Board Of Education Drops Discussion About Punishing #RedForEd Teachers Over Walkout
"the item was included in Monday’s agenda at the request of state Superintendent Diane Douglas, a staunch critic of the #RedForEd walkout."
Jun. 22, 2018
Punish #RedforEd Teachers? Is State School Board Insane?
"This has the distinct odor of eau de Diane Douglas who in April pitched a fit, warning teachers they’d better not strike."
Jun. 21, 2018
Schools Chief Debate Centers On Teaching Of Intelligent Design
Jun. 21, 2018
Diane Douglas Seeks Removal Of Evolution From Arizona High School Curriculum
May 22, 2018
Arizona Schools Chief Diane Douglas Threatens Teachers Over Strike, Says It's 'Not Legal'
Apr. 24, 2018
Diane Douglas: What's Prop. 305? Really, Superintendent?
Sep. 14, 2017
Arizona Board Of Education President Abruptly Resigns, Cites Feud With Diane Douglas
Aug. 17, 2016
Senate Sticks It To Diane Douglas
Feb. 24, 2016
Arizona Board Of Education Votes To Sue Diane Douglas
Sept. 15, 2015
Diane Douglas Recall Petition Filed; Now Her Opponents Need 360,000 Signatures
Sept. 1, 2015
About That "Shadow Faction Of Charter School Operators" Diane Douglas Talked About
Feb. 18, 2015
For Diane Douglas, It’s Always "I before E": "Ideology Before Education"
Oct. 28, 2014
Center for Arizona Policy
2014 Candidate Questionnaire
Position Sought: Superintendent of Public Instruction
Question 9: Arizona’s voter-approved constitutional definition of marriage should be defended to the fullest extent legally possible.
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 11: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in antidiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 15: Protecting individuals and businesses from being required to provide services or use their artistic expression in a manner that violates their moral or religious beliefs.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.


Center for Arizona Policy
2010 Survey Questions For Arizona And County Candidates
Position Sought: State Representative LD-9
Question 9: Amending the United States Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 12: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 15: Protecting professionals from being required to provide services that violate their moral or religious beliefs.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.



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