Peggy Judd


Far-right Republican MAGA extremist Peggy Judd was a member of the Arizona House of Representatives, representing Arizona's 25th District from January 2011 until January 2013. On January 6th, 2021 Judd attended the Stop the Steal rally and March that led to the Capitol Insurrection. Subsequent reporting by the Tucson Sentinel showed Judd subscribes to the disproven Q-Anon conspiracy theory movement. Judd is currently a member of the Cochise County Board of Supervisors.
Documents Detail Republican Push To Force Hand Counts In Arizona Election

Records show Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd, two of three board supervisors, advocated for hand-counting ballots. Composite: The Guardian/Javier Palma/ Cassidy Araiza


"Republican elected officials in a small Arizona county talked with state lawmakers and activists about hand-counting ballots there in 2022 and urged their counterparts in other counties to push for hand counts as well, newly released public records show.


The records from Cochise county, a Republican stronghold along the US-Mexico border, only came to light after a lawsuit from a watchdog group, American Oversight, and took well over a year to be released. The original records request from American Oversight was filed in November 2022."

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"“They will not stop,” Chioma Chukwu, interim executive director of American Oversight, told the Guardian. “They’re going to continue until they get what they want, which is pushing for hand counts, delaying the certification of election results if the election does not go their way in November.”"

Jun. 15, 2024
Arizona GOP County Officials Face Charges After Refusing To Certify Election On Time
Two Republican supervisors of Arizona's Cochise County are facing criminal charges after they risked more than 47,000 people's votes by refusing to meet the state's legal deadline for certifying the 2022 midterm elections. The supervisors — Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd — are charged with felony offenses of conspiring to delay the counting of the county's votes and interfering with the ability of Arizona's top election official, the secretary of state, to complete the statewide counting, according to the Nov. 27 indictment released by the Arizona state attorney general's office on Wednesday.
Nov. 29, 2023
'Chaos': GOP Officials In AZ County Cost Taxpayers Hundreds Of Thousands In Election Fights
"Two Republican county supervisors in a solidly red Arizona county are costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in multiple unsuccessful election-related crusades in the courts. The Guardian reports that Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd — who both sit on the Cochise County Board of Supervisors — have now been subpoenaed as part of a possible investigation by the Arizona Attorney General's office. Both Crosby and Judd have tried consistently to switch the county's ballot-counting process to a hand count rather than a machine count, resulting in various lawsuits against the county, along with subsequent legal settlements totaling roughly $300,000. Despite Cochise County voting for former President Donald Trump in 2020 by a 19-point margin, Crosby refused to certify his county's election results even after a judge compelled him to do so."
Nov. 25, 2023
Cochise County Officials Who Refused To Certify The 2022 Election Are Being Investigated By The AG
"Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes has subpoenaed the two Republican county supervisors to appear before a grand jury after they refused to certify the 2022 election results"
Oct. 30, 2023
2 Cochise County Supervisors Ordered To Pay Legal Fees
"Two Cochise County supervisors have been ordered to pay up for refusing to certify the 2022 election. A Pima County judge ordered Republicans Peggy Judd and Tom Crosby to pay more than $36,000 in legal fees. It's unclear if the money will come out of their pockets or if taxpayers will pick up the tab. Judd and Crosby refused to certify the county-wide election results, claiming the electronic tabulators were not properly certified, but they were sued by the Secretary of State's office and lost – and now have to pay the legal fees for the opposing side."
Apr. 10, 2023
Supreme Court Says No To Transfer Of Hand-Count Case From Appeals Court
"As Supervisors Peggy Judd and Tom Crosby and County Recorder David Stevens attempt to proceed with a limited hand count of ballots, ignoring the temporary injunction against it, they decided to request their case go directly to the Arizona Supreme Court as recommended by attorneys Bryan Blehm and Alexander Kolodin. The court said not so fast"
Nov. 12, 2022
Why An Arizona County Turned Down $1.9 Million In COVID Relief
"The $1.9 million pandemic aid would have gone a long way in Cochise County, a rural frontier region where a winter of infections has overwhelmed hospitals. There was money for case follow-up. Testing in remote breeding towns. Funds to strengthen the Arizona County Health Department. But the county’s Republican-controlled Board of Overseers stunned many residents and healthcare workers by voting last month to reject federal money, becoming one of the few places in America to deny COVID-19 aid. from Washington. “We’re done,” said Peggy Judd, one of two Republican supervisors who voted against accepting the money. “We treat it like the common cold.”"
Feb. 14, 2022

Photo: Tucson Sentinel

Cochise Sup. Judd Spreads Conspiracy Myths, Deletes Facebook After Taking Part In Jan. 6 Insurrection

"County official faces resignation calls after she touts election-fraud & D.C. riot misinfo, posts about incident as it took place"

Jan. 25, 2021

ALEC "Brainwash": Arizona Legislator Peggy Judd Trained By Lobbyist Group
"Republican state Representative Peggy Judd is currently in Salt Lake City, Utah, attending the annual conference of the now-notorious American Legislative Exchange Council, the powerful, conservative organization that pimps pro-corporate bills in state legislatures nationwide."
Jul. 27, 2012

PLEASE NOTE:  A "Yes" vote would allow ranch dogs to be neglected or abandoned, killed and tortured. It would allow the owner of a ranch dog to inflict unnecessary injury to the animal and not provide medical attention.

Facing Mounting Backlash, Judd Kills Border-Warning Bill
Mar. 12, 2012
Center for Arizona Policy (Cathi Herrod)
2010 Survey Questions For Arizona And County Candidates
Position Sought: State Representative LD-25
Question 9: Amending the United States Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 12: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 15: Protecting professionals from being required to provide services that violate their moral or religious beliefs.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.



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