A Letter from the |
Hon. Barney Frank, |
Founder of the |
National |
Stonewall Democrats |
to |
Democrats of Arizona. |
About Us: |
History of the Stonewall name: |
take our name from the Stonewall Inn in New
York City, the scene of a 1969 confrontation
between gay patrons and an intolerant
society. It is widely accepted that the
equality movement was born here when police
raided the gay establishment for allegedly
serving liquor illegally. The patrons that
June, having had enough harassment took an
historic stand against hatred and
discrimination. A three day riot inspired a
revolution that has been a rallying point of
our community for over a quarter century. President Clinton had the
Stonewall Inn declared an official national
historical site. |
About Stonewall Democrats of
Arizona: |
Stonewall Democrats
of Arizona is Arizona's
leading statewide LGBTQI advocacy
organization and the
statewide LGBTQI Democratic organization
outside of the various LGBTQI Caucuses. We are currently
registered with and recognized by the State
of Arizona as a Political Action Committee
(for/against committee) and with the federal
government as a 527 organization.
Stonewall Democrats of
Arizona is first an LGBTQI
organization. It is our goal
and intent to help level the
playing field, to promote
equality . . . marriage,
health, employment and more
for the LGBTQI community.
Further, SDA will support
equality across the board.
Intelligent weapons safety,
education, business and
welfare, women's rights, the
environment, student and
senior rights...these are
things SDA may also touch
on. Our goal is to keep
elected Democratic officials
in office and get more
viable LGBTQI candidates and
LGBTQI-friendly candidates
elected, to stand against
those in office (and
sometimes without) who are
against equality and civil
rights, to fight harmful
Arizona legislation and
those who author it, put it
forward and support it. It
will be the goal of
Stonewall to not only
educate the residents of
Arizona in regards
candidates, elected
officials and legislation
but to promote voter
registration and encourage
people to actually vote once
they receive their ballot.
More, Stonewall Democrats of
Arizona will attempt to not
only involve the community
in political activity and
grass-roots activism but to
encourage the youth of all
orientations, all races, to
learn their government, see
the interconnectedness of
Arizona politics with the
rest of the nation and to
become involved with the
electoral process. |
If you are interested in
learning more, please join
our mailing list or
email us at stonewalldemsaz@gmail.com. |
We can be
reached by mail at: |
Stonewall Democrats
of Arizona |
2772 West Highcliff
Drive |
Tucson, Arizona
85754 |