John Huppenthal


Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction from 2011 to 2015. He was elected superintendent in the general election on November 2, 2010. Huppenthal was sworn into office on January 3, 2011, for a four-year term that expired on January 5, 2015. He first came up for election in November 2014, and ran unsuccessfully for a second term. Huppenthal lost his renomination bid to challenger Diane Douglas in the Republican primary on August 26, 2014. Douglas went on to win the general election and succeeded Huppenthal as superintendent the following January. Prior becoming superintendent, Huppehthal served as a Republican member of the Arizona State Senate, representing the 20th District. He was elected in 1992 and subsequently in 1994, 1996 and 1998. After a brief stint out of office, he won a seat in the Arizona State House of Representatives in 2004 and was re-elected in 2006 and 2008.
Ex-Schools Chief Huppenthal Unapologetic Over Criticism Of TUSD's Ethnic Studies
"Among other comments, Huppenthal previously referred to Tucson Unified School District’s Mexican American Studies program as the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist group, in a “different color” and its teachers as “skinheads.”"
Jun. 27, 2017
Arizona GOPer: 'We All Need To Stomp Out' Spanish TV Stations, Newspapers
"In a late-2010 post on the conservative blog Espresso Pundit, Huppenthal, writing under the pseudonym Falcon9, said that America only has room for English. "We all need to stomp out balkanization. No spanish radio stations, no spanish billboards, no spanish tv stations, no spanish newspapers,” he wrote roughly a month after he was elected. “This is America, speak English.”
Sept. 24, 2014
John Huppenthal And All His Dirty Little Lies
Aug. 1, 2014
Center for Arizona Policy
2014 Candidate Questionnaire
Position Sought: Superintendent of Public Instruction
Question 9: Arizona’s voter-approved constitutional definition of marriage should be defended to the fullest extent legally possible.
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 11: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in antidiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 15: Protecting individuals and businesses from being required to provide services or use their artistic expression in a manner that violates their moral or religious beliefs.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.
John Huppenthal, Serial Wikipedia "Editor"
“Before he was indulging in sock puppetry on left and right wing blogs as well as more traditional media outlets, before he was Superintendent of Public Instruction, John Huppenthal was selectively editing his Wikipedia bio, as well as the bios of current Secretary of State Ken Bennett and a former political opponent, State Senator Slade Meade, who Huppenthal defeated in the 2004 senate primary."
Jun. 17, 2014
Center for Arizona Policy
2010 Survey Questions For Arizona And County Candidates
Position Sought: Superintendent of Public Instruction
Question 9: Amending the United States Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 12: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose
Question 15: Protecting professionals from being required to provide services that violate their moral or religious beliefs.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.
Arizona Education Chief Moves To Ban Ethnic Studies In Tucson Schools
Jan. 5, 2011
John Huppenthal Humiliated By High School Student Journalist's Video
"No one's ever accused Republican state Senator John Huppenthal of being the brightest bulb in the state GOP's closet. You might think Huppenthal's lowest moment came when he scuffled with a 78 year-old Democratic activist on election day 2008 over a yard sign. He was ultimately found not guilty of sign tampering and theft, but he ended up looking like a sneaky, aggro dolt nonetheless. In fact, the hapless Huppenthal actually stated in court that he was afraid the senior citizen lady was going to carjack him."
Jun. 14, 2010
State Senator John Huppenthal Clashed With Opponent's Supporter, Witness Says
"Phoenix workers made Huppenthal take down extra-large signs he had put up to counter what he told the Ahwatukee Foothills News was a "last minute smear campaign." Huppenthal later put the signs back up in two pieces to get around restrictions on sign size."
Nov. 4, 2008
Center for Arizona Policy
2008 Survey Questions For Arizona Candidates
Position Sought: State Senate LD-20
Question 7: Amending the United States Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Candidates' Position: Support.
Question 8: . Adding “sexual orientation” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in antidiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose.
Center for Arizona Policy
2006 Survey Questions For Arizona Candidates
Position Sought: State Senate LD-20
Question 7: Amending the United States Constitution to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Candidates' Position: Support.
Question 8: . Adding “sexual orientation” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in antidiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose.

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