Russell Pearce  

Republican extremist former member of the Arizona State Senate. He rose to national prominence as the primary sponsor of Arizona SB1070, a controversial anti-illegal immigrant measure that was signed into law in 2010. He was elected President of the Arizona Senate when the Senate began its January 2011 term but then suffered a dramatic reversal of fortune when he was ousted in a November 2011 recall election, the first legislator in Arizona history to be so removed from office. He served as Vice-Chair of the Arizona GOP, but he resigned the position in September 2014 after controversy over a eugenicist comment about forced sterilization of poor women on Medicaid. Prior to his election to the Arizona Senate in 2008, Pearce served in the Arizona House of Representatives from 2001 to 2009
Dirty Dozen: Meet 12 Of The Worst Politicians In Arizona History
"A veritable Energizer Bunny of hate, Russell Pearce rode a wave of unbridled anti-Mexican nativism to become Arizona’s powerful state Senate president in 2011, only to be successfully recalled in his deeply red Mesa district later that same year by a coalition of moderate Republicans and pissed-off Latinos. Foreshadowing the rhetoric used by President Donald Trump, Pearce called Mexican migrants to the U.S. an “illegal invasion,” blaming them for a rise in crime. He called for a redo of the Eisenhower-era deportation program “Operation Wetback,” circulated antisemitic conspiracy theories from a white supremacist hate group and befriended and inducted into the Mormon faith Valley extremist J.T. Ready, a virulent neo-Nazi who ended up slaughtering a family of four in a 2012 rampage before offing himself. "
Jan. 17, 2024
Think Tank Looks Back At 2011 Recall Of Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce
"Russell Pearce was the only sitting Senate president in any state ever to be recalled from office. He was also the moving force behind SB1070 and a host of other anti-immigrant bills in the Arizona Legislature."
Dec. 3, 2021
Pearce Says Blood May Need To Be Spilled To Protect The Country
"It may take the shedding of blood to keep this Republic and I, for one, am willing to do whatever it takes," Pearce told a crowd that included members from anti-immigrant groups and other extremist organizations."
Apr. 18, 2019
Screen capture taken April 4, 2018. Please note the fourth name from the bottom.
Russell Pearce Threatens Suit Over ABOR’s ‘Dreamers’ Policy
Jul. 11, 2017
How Can Russell Pearce Get By On A Mere $233,000 A Year?
"'Champion Of The Taxpayer' Makes $233k"
Jan. 17, 2017
Top Arizona GOPer Russell Pearce Resigns After Sterilization Comments
"The far-right former lawmaker who helped push Arizona's "papers please" immigration law has resigned as a top official with the state GOP after making comments about sterilizing poor women."
Sep. 15, 2014
Russell Pearce Can't Shake His Ties To Neo-Nazi J.T. Ready
"Disgraced, recalled ex-state Senate President Russell Pearce's doomed comeback campaign wants voters to buy the line that he's all goodness and light these days, as if an entire career built on lies and hate never occurred. One of the latest flyers to hit the mailboxes of Republican voters in Legislative District 25, where Pearce desperately is trying to claw his way back into the state Senate, features a huge image of a sleeping baby and an inset of a smiling Pearce feeding an infant."
Aug. 23, 2012


Emails From ALEC Member Russell Pearce Show Anti-Immigrant Law May Have Been Racially Motivated
"An open records request to former Arizona state Senator Russell Pearce netted thousands of email records sent from Pearce's account that suggest Arizona's SB 1070, which was taken up as an American Legislative Exchange Council "model bill" but recently struck down in large part by the U.S. Supreme Court, was motivated by racism and xenophobia."
Jul. 27, 2012
Russell Pearce Blames Aurora Victims, Then Blames Gun Control, For Massacre
"Former Arizona State Sen. Russell Pearce wrote a missive Saturday highlighting the collective failure of the victims of the Aurora, Colo. massacre to stop the shooter who left 12 people dead and nearly 60 wounded in a movie theater."
Jul. 22, 2012
The Astonishing Bigotry And Paranoia Of Russell Pearce
"Former Arizona state Senate President Russell Pearce, the author of his state’s draconian anti-immigrant law, S.B. 1070, is notorious for making outrageous claims about the supposed dangers posed by immigrants – both documented and not."
Jul. 18, 2012
Reported Neo-Nazi Spree Killer Called SB 1070 Sponsor Russell Pearce His ‘Surrogate Father’
May 3, 2012
Arizona State Senate President Russell Pearce, SB 1070 Architect, Lost In Recall Election
Nov. 9, 2011
Russell Pearce Supporters Accused Of Running Sham Candidate In AZ Recall Election
Sep. 27, 2011
The Disturbing Copy-And-Paste Habits Of Russell Pearce
"Arizona’s infamous state senator regularly employs the words of extremists"
Aug. 3, 2011
AZ Senate President Russell Pearce Threatens To Lock Up Protesting Public Workers In Desert Tent Cities
"According to the Yellow Sheet, Pearce made this crack about what he and his buddy Sheriff Joe Arpaio would do if workers stood up for their rights and demonstrated: “I’ve spoken with the sheriff, and he has some nice buses that hold a lot of people. We’ve also got some tents with a view.”
May 16, 2011
Wait, Russell Pearce Might Have Lied About the Fiesta Bowl Scandal?
May 13, 2011
Russell Pearce One Beneficiary Of The Fiesta Bowl's Largesse
Mar. 29, 2011
Russell Pearce's Son: KPHO Follows Joshua Pearce Story (W/Update)
"Kudos to KPHO/Channel 5 for reporting on allegations of child abuse involving state Senate president Russell Pearce's son Joshua Pearce [...] This morning, Mesa Police Department spokesman Edward Wessing confirmed the stats on Josh's run-ins with the Mesa cops: 21 involvements as an adult, 10 as a juvenile, and 10 adult arrests."
Jan. 26, 2011
Exclusive Footage: Sen. Russell Pearce Endorsed JT Ready

"This video shows State Senator Russell Pearce endorsing JT Ready (AZ's most famous White Supremacist) in 2006 for Mesa City Council. The footage has never been seen by the public until now. The footage and the Mormon Document and picture was given to Steve Lemons (Phoenix New Times) by a confidential source. He gave me a copy.


The video also shows Pearce deny knowing Ready in 2007 as well as an exclusive interview with JT Ready telling his side of the story. It's interesting. According to Ready, they use to hang on his porch and tell Mexican jokes. I asked Ready if Pearce ever told him to "cool it" as JT Ready openly supports NSM and other white supremacist ideals. Ready stated that he never did but his wife, Lu Ann had as she was concerned of Russell's career.


Probably the most interesting thing is Ready explaining his relationship and role with Pearce's long-time political crusade against Mexicans. It's also important to note that while JT Ready seems to be telling the truth-I have no way of verifying everything he says. I will give him credit as so far he seems to show more integrity and honesty then Senator Pearce. Ready is not happy with Pearce's recent activities with Lobbyists, his public disapproval of the NSM march on Nov 13, 2010 and his repeated denial of their long time friendship and political alliance on the immigration issue. Mr. Pearce should probably get honest real soon as the skeletons in his closet are messy and plenty and its time to take them out. I have more info and will be releasing it. If I were him, I'd come clean first. The people of Arizona deserve the truth."

Jan. 3, 2011
Russell Pearce's Son Joshua Pearce: Mesa Police Won't File Charges In Child-Abuse Allegation
Dec. 22, 2010
When Valley Neo-Nazi J.T. Ready Converted To Mormonism, Guess Which Prominent Politico Ordained Him An "Elder"
Dec. 16, 2010


Russell Pearce's Falsehoods, Inaccuracies And Inventions On Channel 12's Sunday Square-Off
Apr. 11, 2010



‘Wetback’ Remarks Dog Rep. Pearce
Sep. 30, 2006

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