Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


L/R: traitor Michael Flynn, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle and traitor Roger Stone. Photo via Facebook.

Kennedy announced his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election on April 5, 2023. Kennedy withdrew from the Democratic primary on Oct. 9, 2023, and announced he would run as an independent. Kennedy was nominated as a candidate for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination at the Libertarian National Convention on May 26, 2024. He was eliminated in the first round of voting, after receiving 2.1% of the vote. Kennedy selected patent lawyer and entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan (I) as his running mate on March 26, 2024. Known for promoting anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories, Kennedy is a son of U.S. senator Robert F. Kennedy and a nephew of President John F. Kennedy. He has never held any elected office. As of June 1st, 2024 his name was only on the ballots of 10 states.
Using Cartoonish Accents, J.F.K.'s Grandson Insults And Mocks Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
"The grandson of President John F. Kennedy this week savaged his presidential-candidate cousin, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in a series of mocking, meant-to-be-funny videos that were, inarguably, uncharacteristically un-Kennedyesque, escalating a civil war within America's most storied political dynasty. In a series of Instagram posts, the grandson, Jack Schlossberg, 31, variously called Mr. Kennedy, 70, a "prick," suggested he was using steroids, said he was "lying to us" and portrayed him as a Russian stooge and a stalking horse for Donald J. Trump."
May 8, 2024


RFK Jr. Says Worm ‘Got Into My Brain And Ate A Portion Of It’
"In 2010, Kennedy, now 70, experienced severe memory loss and mental fog, he said in a deposition two years later. According to the Times, he consulted top neurologists familiar with the medical history of his uncle, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, who had died of brain cancer in 2009. A New York doctor, after reviewing a scan of his brain, told him that his health issues could be “caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” Kennedy said in the 2012 deposition, which concerned a divorce from his second wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy. Robert Kennedy said at the time that his earning power had been negatively affected by the cognitive issues, the Times reported. "
May 8, 2024
RFK Jr.'s New Hire Who Downplayed Jan. 6 Appears To Have Been At The Capitol During The Attack
"Photos and videos from outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, uncovered by online sleuths and NBC News appear to show Zach Henry, a right-wing influencer now working for Kennedy's campaign."
May 8, 2024



RFK Jr. Argues That Biden Is A Bigger Threat To Democracy Than Trump
With a straight face Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said that Joe Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Donald Trump because he was barred from pushing conspiracy theories online,” DNC senior adviser Mary Beth Cahill said in a statement. “There is no comparison to summoning a mob to the Capitol and promising to be a dictator on day one. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. laid to rest tonight any doubts that he’s a spoiler candidate by pushing his MAGA talking points in prime time.”
Apr. 1, 2024
RFK Jr. Defends Kennedy Administration Surveillance Of Martin Luther King Jr.
"Ahead of Martin Luther King Day, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. defended his family’s role in authorizing government surveillance of the civil rights leader. The presidential hopeful told Politico on Sunday that his father, Robert F. Kennedy, who authorized the wiretapping of Martin Luther King Jr. while attorney general, and President John F. Kennedy had a “good reason” for doing so. "
Jan. 15, 2024
RFK Jr.: COVID-19 May Have Been ‘Ethnically Targeted’ to Spare Jews and Chinese
"Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the conspiracy theorist and longshot 2024 Democratic presidential candidate, told a roomful of press this week that COVID-19 may have been deliberately created as an “ethnically targeted” bioweapon designed to spare Chinese people and Ashkenazi Jews, the New York Post reported. At a press dinner Tuesday night in New York City—which was reportedly derailed by an extended bout of flatulence—RFK Jr. said, “There is an argument that [COVID-19] is ethnically targeted,” adding that the coronavirus “attacks certain races disproportionately.” Getting more specific, the anti-vaccine activist insisted, “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” The Post noted that leaders of both right and left-leaning Jewish organizations had denounced Kennedy’s comments, and quoted an infectious disease expert, who said, “I don’t see any evidence that there was any design or bioterrorism that anyone tried to design something to knock off certain groups.”"
Jul. 15, 2023
RFK Jr. Is Building A Presidential Campaign Around Conspiracy Theories
"Since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched his campaign challenging President Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination, he has given hours of interviews to podcasts, magazines and TV networks. He paints a dark, conspiratorial picture of the world, bristling with debunked theories, misleading claims and outright falsehoods. Wi-Fi causes cancer and "leaky brain," Kennedy told podcaster Joe Rogan last month. Antidepressants are to blame for school shootings, he mused during an appearance with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. Chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender, he told right-wing Canadian psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing a false assertion made by serial fabulist Alex Jones. AIDS may not be caused by HIV, he has suggested multiple times. There's no credible evidence for any of these assertions or for Kennedy's longest-running false claims: that vaccines cause autism and are more harmful than the diseases they're designed to protect against."
Jul. 13, 2023
If anyone is still confused about Robert Kennedy Jr. he’s speaking at the Moms for Liberty National Summit. In their first newsletter, Moms for Liberty describes their strategy by quoting Hitler: “He alone who OWNS the youth, gains the future” If it quacks like a Nazi…
Jun. 21, 2023
RFK Jr. Pledges To Gut Agencies That Regulate Vaccines And Order The DOJ To Investigate Medical Journals If He Becomes President
""Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a noted anti-vaccine activist who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, told NBC News that he would gut funding for federal health agencies that monitor and recommend schedules for childhood vaccines. Kennedy told NBC News' Brandy Zadrozny that he believes agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the advisory panels that recommend policies are "sock puppets" for the pharmaceutical and other industries they are tasked with regulating."
Jun. 20, 2023
RFK Jr.: ‘I Have A Lot Of Conversations With Dead People’
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who just launched a quixotic campaign to wrest the Democratic nomination for president from Joe Biden, says he speaks daily to his slain father and his assassinated uncle, President John F. Kennedy. “I have conversations with my father and my uncle about what I’m doing. I do meditations every day, and that’s kind of the nature of my meditations. I have a lot of conversations with dead people,” he told The Free Press, the media company co-founded by Bari Weiss. Possibly concerned about how that comment would come across, the conspiracy-minded anti-vaxxer disavowed by members of his extended family added: “They are one-way prayers for strength and wisdom. I get no strategic advice from the dead.”"
Jun. 1, 2023
Steve Bannon Spent "Months" Recruiting Anti-Vaxxer RFK Jr. To Run Against Biden As "Chaos Agent"
"Former chief Trump strategist Steve Bannon spent "months" encouraging anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to run against President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, according to a report from CBS News. People familiar with the matter told the outlet that Bannon hoped Kennedy could serve as a "useful chaos agent" in the election while also spreading "anti-vaccine sentiment around the country," according to CBS News' Robert Costa."
Apr. 6, 2023
His Father’s Memory Deserves More Than RFK Jr.’s Spurious 2024 Presidential Candidacy
"He was an excellent public speaker. I know, I saw him twice. He once decapitated former Vice President Dan Quayle in a debate on the environment in Portland, and I actually felt sorry for Quayle, who was completely unprepared. But RFK Jr. said goodbye to all that when slowly came undone in front of the American people over the course of two decades. He has become a joke, a punchline, a crank. His main hobby is spreading COVID vaccine disinformation, after a long, paranoid stint hyping a supposed link between childhood vaccines and autism. He even drew an analogy between Nazism and the implementation of the vaccine."
Apr. 6, 2023
Instagram Removes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Over False COVID-19 Vaccine Claims
"“We removed this account for repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,” a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement. The move comes as Facebook cracks down on vaccine misinformation by taking down debunked claims on its platforms, including Instagram."
Feb. 11, 2021
RFK Jr. Is Our Brother And Uncle. He’s Tragically Wrong About Vaccines

By Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Joseph P. Kennedy II and Maeve Kennedy McKean

May 8, 2019

"These tragic numbers are caused by the growing fear and mistrust of vaccines—amplified by internet doomsayers. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—Joe and Kathleen’s brother and Maeve’s uncle—is part of this campaign to attack the institutions committed to reducing the tragedy of preventable infectious diseases. He has helped to spread dangerous misinformation over social media and is complicit in sowing distrust of the science behind vaccines. We love Bobby. He is one of the great champions of the environment. His work to clean up the Hudson River and his tireless advocacy against multinational organizations who have polluted our waterways and endangered families has positively affected the lives of countless Americans. We stand behind him in his ongoing fight to protect our environment. However, on vaccines he is wrong. And his and others’ work against vaccines is having heartbreaking consequences. The challenge for public health officials right now is that many people are more afraid of the vaccines than the diseases, because they've been lucky enough to have never seen the diseases and their devastating impact. But that’s not luck; it’s the result of concerted vaccination efforts over many years. We don’t need measles outbreaks to remind us of the value of vaccination."

How Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Distorted Vaccine Science
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Tuesday that he will head up a panel on vaccine safety for Donald Trump. The president-elect’s transition team spokeswoman later walked that back, saying that he is “exploring the possibility” of forming a panel on autism, but “no decisions have been made.” Let’s hope Trump drops any idea of a vaccine panel headed by Kennedy. For more than a decade, Kennedy has promoted anti-vaccine propaganda completely unconnected to reality. If Kennedy’s panel leads to even a small decline in vaccine rates across the country, it will result in the waste of untold amounts of money and, in all likelihood, the preventable deaths of infants too young to be vaccinated."
Jan. 11, 2017

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