Merissa Hamilton


Merissa Hamilton (center) at the May 25, 2023 Chandler City Council meeting. Photo: City of Chandler
Ultra-MAGA Republican extremist and self described "thought leader" Merissa Hamilton ran for election for Mayor of Phoenix in Arizona. She lost in the general election on November 3, 2020. Hamilton was a 2016 Libertarian write-in candidate who sought election to the U.S. Senate from Arizona.
As If You Needed More Proof That She's Vile...
LD3 Censures Merissa Hamilton – Demands She Resign As AZGOP MAL
"On Tuesday May 14, 2024, the body of Legislative District 3 censured AZGOP CD1 Member at Large Merissa Hamilton and demanded she resign that position immediately. The censure referenced the below evidence that Hamilton committed a felony bribe, acting as the broker in an illegal document titled the “LD3 Peace Accord” proposing the creation of two separate legislative districts in violation of A.R.S. §16-823. Legislative district committee; organization. Hamilton and former AZGOP Chair Jeff Dewit (who has since resigned) both attempted to push for and offered a felony bribe, violating A.R.S. Title 13. Criminal Code § 13-2602. Bribery of a public servant or party officer. Hamilton admitted to that crime in the below audio recording. The below censure demands that Merissa Hamilton resign from her position as AZGOP MAL immediately."
May 14, 2024
GOP Candidates For Congress Continue To Argue Elections Were Stolen, Government Corrupt
"Some Republican candidates running for Congress in Arizona's 8th district continue to argue that the 2020 and 2022 elections in Arizona were stolen from their party and made those complaints a central theme of a Wednesday forum." [ . . . ] "The 8th Congressional District forum was hosted by conservative activist Merissa Hamilton, who lost a bid for Phoenix mayor in 2020 and now runs a political group called Jenna Rayne, an Arizona State University student and chair of the West Valley Young Republicans, moderated the forum with Hamilton. Abe Hamadeh, who lost a bid for Arizona attorney general last year and continues to file lawsuits challenging that outcome, Masters, and state Sen. Anthony Kern participated. Jacob Chansley, often known as the QAnon Shaman for his protest persona, attended the event but was not allowed to speak because he plans to run as a Libertarian and the event was for Republican candidates only, according to the hosts."
Nov. 16, 2023
Justin Heap and Merissa Hamilton Caught In ANOTHER Lie Over Skipping PBS Debate – Really You Two Can We Limit It To 30 Lies Per Day?
"Maricopa County Recorder candidate Justin Heap has been caught in so many lies I can barely keep count. Not to be outdone, his defacto Campaign Manager Merissa Hamilton was again caught in another lie over why Heap skipped the June 11th, 5:00pm MST Public PBS Recorder Debate. More on that in a minute. Merissa Hamilton as AZGOP Member at Large can be seen below quoting a statistic that only a CAMPAIGN MANAGER or one intimately involved with a campaign such as a paid employee or volunteer in charge of scheduling would be able to, further proving she is in total violation of the AZGOP BYLAWS and must immediate resign as AZGOP MAL"
 Non-Issue Stirs Up And Puzzles Chandler Council
..."Conservative activist Merissa Hamilton tweeted a May 24 warning to Chandler residents against the dangers of road diets. During the video posted to her Twitter account, she urges people to visit a website dedicated to stopping road diets. The website asks people to sign up and contribute money. A day before Hamilton posted the video, she was named by former TV news anchor Kari Lake to head her ballot-chasing operation."...
Jun. 5, 2023
Merissa Hamilton, Arizona Daily Independent Defame Shane Wikfors
"In October, 2021, the Arizona Daily Independent, owned by John and Loretta Hunnicutt, posted a false and defamatory story about Shane Wikfors at the request of a election denier, conspiracy theorist named Merissa Hamilton. Hamilton runs a Arizona-based political organization called Strong Communities Action that is registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission but is not registered as an IRS-approved non-profit organization. Since its creation, Hamilton’s organization has sought out political opportunities to inject itself in the body politic as causes arise. The 2020 Election as well as local school district governing board controversies are examples of issues that Hamilton has used in an effort to elbow herself and her organization to the forefront as a player in Arizona politics. Prior to Strong Communities Action, Hamilton worked for Phoenix Councilman, Sal DiCiccio doing generic constituent work. She left that office for reasons unknown but decided to run for Mayor of the City of Phoenix. She was unsuccessful in her bid for Mayor."
Jan. 2, 2022
All about Freedomworks
Prominent Republicans Attended Fundraiser At Home Of Abortion Doctor Accused Of Pointing Gun At Pro-Life Protesters
"The Oct. 3 fundraiser for Merissa Hamilton was at the home of Dr. Ronald Yunis"
Oct. 27, 2020
Center for Arizona Policy
2020 Survey Questions For Arizona Candidates
Position Sought: Phoenix Mayor
Question 7: Adding “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” to the protected classes of race, religion, age, sex, and ancestry in nondiscrimination law.
Candidates' Position: Oppose.
Question 8: Protecting a parent's right to seek professional counseling for their minor child with same-sex attraction or gender identity issues to help them reach their desired outcome.*
Candidates' Position: Support
Question 11: Protecting individuals and businesses from being required to provide services or use their artistic expression in a manner that violates their moral or religious beliefs.**
Candidates' Position: Support.
*  This is in reference to the dangerous and disproven "Reparative Therapy".
**Discriminatory "Religious Freedom" laws.
Jennifer Harrison, Arizona Patriot Leader, Charged With Felony Identity Theft
"Several notable Republicans were part of the group, including ... Merissa Hamilton, who is running for mayor of Phoenix."
Oct. 20, 2020

HRC On Hamilton’s Anti-LGBTQ Rhetoric

Oct. 2, 2020

"In response to Phoenix Mayoral Candidate Merissa Hamilton in a private Facebook group spewing hateful anti-LGBTQ rhetoric as revealed by the Arizona Republic, HRC Arizona State Director Bridget Sharpe issued the following statement:
“Merissa Hamilton’s disgraceful participation in this private, hateful anti-LGBTQ Facebook group is disqualifying. She and other anti-equality Arizona candidates are parroting the far-right conspiracy theories concocted by QAnon, a group the FBI has labelled ‘conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists’ and a 'domestic terror threat.'
“What’s worse, Hamilton’s involvement in the private group shows that she knows what she believes is too hateful and wrong to say publicly, and yet she continues to peddle these homophobic and transphobic ideas in secret. This development makes it all the more important that we re-elect Mayor Kate Gallego so she can continue to fight for equality.”"
Council Member Sal DiCiccio Distances Himself From Patriot Movement AZ
"Patriot Movement AZ leader Russell Jaffe with Sal DiCiccio constituent services representative Merissa Hamilton."
May, 2, 2019
Merissa Hamilton Leaves Libertarian Party After Asked To Step Down
Feb. 16, 2018
Mugshot Or Campaign Photo? AZ Governor Candidate Arrested
Jun. 17, 2017
"Merissa Hamilton Was A 2016 Libertarian Write-In Candidate Who Sought Election To The U.S. Senate From Arizona."

September 5, 2016. Source


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