Jeff Groscost


Republican Speaker of the House at the Arizona House of Representatives from 1997 to 2001.
Gas Bag Man
"Great toucan turds, people! With all the pathetic blubberin' that's busted out over the past couple of weeks due to the demise of former Arizona House Speaker Jeff Groscost, you'd think the long-disgraced Mesa Republican was the second coming of JFK. Um, instead of the scandal-dogged sneaky bastard whose shenanigans bilked this state to the tune of $150 mil in the outrageous alt-fuel scam of Y2K."
Nov. 16, 2006
Costly Plan To Promote Alternative Fuels Jolts Arizona
"Jeff Groscost, the speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives and the creator of the incentives with a 92-page amendment to the Arizona Clean Air Act of 2000 during a late-night conference committee meeting in April, is under increasing scrutiny for his financial involvement with industries benefiting from the bill's passage. Mr. Groscost, a Republican who ran Senator John McCain's presidential campaign in Arizona, first denied and then admitted last week that he had leased or bought two vehicles from companies run by Nathan Learner, a businessman engaged in gas-to-alternative-fuels conversions. Mr. Groscost also first denied, then admitted, that he was taking advantage of the tax incentives provided by the bill on a vehicle he leased"
Nov. 2, 2002
Not Getting Alternative-Fuel Fiasco Fuels Anger In Arizona
""This is an embarrassment to the whole Republican Party," Sen. David Petersen said. "Not only do we have the speaker involved, we have a number of legislators who voted for it and a governor who didn't catch this early on." [...] House Speaker Jeff Groscost, the program's chief architect, faces ethics scrutiny because he has purchased and leased several vehicles from a conversion company whose president was involved with drafting the law. Groscost has denied he personally profited from his work on the issue and said his only motives were to reduce air pollution and dependence on foreign oil."
Oct. 31, 2000
Master Of The House
"There's a rumor going around that Jeff Groscost is brilliant. Yes, that Jeff Groscost--Speaker of the House of Representatives, King of the Mouth Breathers. The guy who was once stripped of his leadership role because he couldn't be bothered to file his campaign-finance reports on time, the one who wanted to put a $500 bounty on the head of the endangered Mexican wolf."
Feb. 25, 1999
Four Lawmakers Seek `Exoneration’ Of Lyndon LaRouche
"Four Arizona lawmakers, including a Tucson Democrat, have signed a petition being sent to President Clinton seeking the “exoneration’ of extremist politician Lyndon LaRouche. Signing the document were Reps. Jorge Garcia, D-Tucson; David Farnsworth, R-Globe; Jeff Groscost, R-Mesa; and Rusty Bowers, R-Mesa. LaRouche, who was convicted of fraud and tax conspiracy, spent five years behind bars before being released last year. He claims he was victimized by a government conspiracy aimed at curtailing his influence. Groscost, a former majority whip in the Arizona House, said he was contacted about supporting LaRouche about two months ago."
Jun. 30, 1995

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